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Comment count is 12
Gamara II - 2008-07-09

Note that the Avatar is exclusively into gay punk centaurs. I forget where I read this, but one of the developers was some weird furry freak and threw that poster in the beginning sequence.

Keefu - 2008-07-09

Yeah. Once you see it, it's hard for it not to become the focus of the video.

Chancho - 2008-07-09

Only one?

ponpoko - 2008-07-09


Apparently, he's also the creator of fucking Furcadia.

5 stars for the Avatar having a framed poster of a rainbow-haired zebra centaur stripper in his home.

Camonk - 2008-07-09

This information is now the only reason to watch the video.

Jefka - 2008-07-09

So that's what the music in the intro sounds like.

I never knew, either!

Flux - 2008-07-09

stop uploading video game intros

but here are a few stars for Dupre's muscle shirt armor

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-07-09


FABIO2 - 2008-07-09

Let's get out of here. You, me, and Dupre.

blackmetallic - 2008-07-09

he runs like his diaper is full

StanleyPain - 2008-07-09

Great intro music, probably some of the best in the Ultima canon, next to Pagan (yeah, yeah..bad game, but great soundtrack).

I didn't think this was a very good game, though, personally. 7 topped it and just about every RPG at the time in so many other ways.

KnowFuture - 2008-07-10

Out of the whole thing, 5 was my favorite with 7 being a close 2nd (mostly for the badass sword you could make if you had the Forge Of Virtue addon)

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