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Desc:A guest pastor at Obama's post-racial church (of 20 years) gives a peaceful Christian sermon
Category:Religious, Crime
Tags:Jesus, church, Trinity, obama, post-racial
Submitted:Billy Buttsex
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Comment count is 38
SolRo - 2008-06-26

Obama = his church

You're such a pathetic troll billy

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

SolRo, this is the church that Obama supported and attended for TWENTY YEARS.

Did you notice that they said Pfleger is a friend of the church and that he'd spoken there before, and that the audience was familiar with him? Did you notice that he mentioned jokingly that he "wasn't political?" Did you notice all the members whooping it up in the background when Pfleger said inflammatory, anti-white remarks? Did you know that Reverend Wright was on Obama's Spiritual Advisory Committee until someone pointed out that he's a RADICAL black-liberation preacher, along the lines of Al Sharpton?

Birds of a feather flock together, and these birds flew together for 20 years, and then one of them was appointed to an advisory committee to shape the policies of the other. The American people have a right to be upset and wary. Obama's a radical, and a vote for him is a vote for Sharpton. Look at the guy's fuckin' webpage... it's full of anti-white legislative possibilities, and full of handouts for blacks.

glasseye - 2008-06-26

Conservative attempts at logic = FAIL.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

You're right. It shouldn't matter at all who a presidential candidate selects for advisory positions, or who leads him for 20 years.

You're the same person who would've been bitching about John Ashcroft before he quit, faggot.

Cleaner82 - 2008-06-27

How fitting that you exactly equate a person's church with a political cabinet Bill. Maybe someday you'll have that theocracy you've always wanted. Pope Bush. Has a ring to it.

Camonk - 2008-06-26

So my guess is that people voted this through just to say that if this is the best attack material conservatives can come up with, we should just start calling him President Obama already. Do you guys think that is a fair assessment?

kingarthur - 2008-06-26

Yes. They've been reduced to making things up now, such as the "Michelle Obama Once Said Whitey" tape which never seems to suface or air anywhere.

Okay, so maybe just making things up as much as they have been. I find it hilarious tat they can find nothing on this guy and still try to portray him as the antichrist. Just listen to conservative talk radio for a day. One day. They're clearly trying to induce flat-out terror.

Camonk - 2008-06-26

No, I won't listen to conservative talk radio for a day. Not ever. Sorry, man.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

Bigot: –noun
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

EVILdogshu - 2008-06-26

You guys are idiots if you think shit like this won't matter in November.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

Associating Obama with black liberation theology will be the ONE THING that undermines his campaign. If he loses, it's ONLY because of this.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-08-23

"Associating Obama with black liberation theology will be the ONE THING that undermines his campaign. If he loses, it's ONLY because of this."

Posting this from later into the campaign:
Nope. Way off. Its no longer a factor at all in the campaign, except for racists who were going to believe no matter what that all darkies are trying to enslave the white man. *pointed cough*.

futurebot - 2008-06-26

You know, if no one knew that this guy was supposed to be Obama's pastor, everyone would be all MAN THIS IS EVIL and at LEAST three starring it.

SolRo - 2008-06-26

My 1 star is for billy and his idiotic republican trolling.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

You're right: trolling is posting videos of what the other team actually does.

Cleaner82 - 2008-06-26

What the other team actually does? Do even you know what you're blathering about?

sheikurbouti - 2008-06-26

As an artifact of reverse-racist pandering, I think this clip is valid and pretty interesting. All the people who sadly profess their concern about Obama because of this or 'Bitter-gate' are conservatives who would never vote for him anyway. It's a lot easier to 'concerned' about this than it is to admit you're a racist asshole.

almo - 2008-06-26

What a nutty fellow.

almo - 2008-06-26

Wait a minute. I didn't mean to reply to you!

Rovin - 2008-06-26

Billy Buttsex = Mr. Burgess.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-06-26

You're about a month late, Billy, but you got lucky because Fr. Pfleger was on Good Morning America today talking about this:


Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

I like how he refused for his mannerism, but not the message. What a doucher.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

refused = apologized.

I have no clue why I said refused.

StanleyPain - 2008-06-26

You know guys, I also think I heard somewhere Obama is actually a muslim.

Grace Mugabe - 2008-06-26

If only.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-06-26

I love how with Republicans it's always about nebulous terms like "character" and "patriotism" rather than issues, because they are FUCKED if an election is actually about issues.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

Like Obama has good ideas.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-06-26

No, I'm just talking about partisan breakdown polls, where the majority of Americans believe that Democrats have a better ability to "solve" pretty much every major national issue.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-06-26

"These are poll numbers that make the GOP's blood boil: 66% of Americans support health coverage for all, even if it means raising taxes; 76% of Americans think global warming is "a proven fact"; only 16% of Americans think abortion should be completely outlawed; 77%of Americans believe we should meet with leaders who are hostile to the United States; 57% of Americans support either gay marriage or civil unions; and 85% of Americans say a candidate's position on Iraq is "extremely important" or "important" to their vote."

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-06-26

Why do you guys insist on feeding this sad little troll.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-06-26

To Scrotum, all conservative cases are trolling, and can't possibly be serious.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2008-06-26

Where the hell was billy buttsex when there was that expose on halliburton's practices in Iraq?

glasseye - 2008-06-26

Burying his head in the sand.

Chancho - 2008-06-26

I just enjoy his bad imitation of black preachers.

Hailey2006 - 2008-06-26

This is a same guy who protest aginst the Jerry Springer show!

Stog - 2008-06-26



oddeye - 2008-06-27

Billy isn't a troll, just horribly retarded.

Blaise - 2008-06-27

TWO stars for historical value.

Though I find the clip no different than any other unwatchable evangelical rant available on the internet.

TWO stars for comments with Republicans screaming "20 YEARS"!

I love hearing that! GO GOP!

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