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Desc:And proceeds to interrogate a dozen officers when the media finds out.
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:Police, atlanta, your tax dollars at work, I LIVE IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER
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Comment count is 8
Hooper_X - 2008-04-03

Everything about this story is fucking ridiculous.

Dekalb County is so goddamn crooked that a guy who got elected sheriff on a "cleaning up the corruption" campaign was MURDERED IN HIS DRIVEWAY BY DEPUTIES SENT BY THE GUY HE DEFEATED.

Let me reiterate this. The sheriff of Dekalb County paid *county sheriff's deputies* to ASSASSINATE HIS REPLACEMENT, because he didn't want to go down in the inevitable corruption investigation which was going to follow.

Phusis - 2008-04-03


This one might be even better.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-03

"Dekalb County is so goddamn crooked that a guy who got elected sheriff on a "cleaning up the corruption" campaign was MURDERED IN HIS DRIVEWAY BY DEPUTIES SENT BY THE GUY HE DEFEATED.

Let me reiterate this. The sheriff of Dekalb County paid *county sheriff's deputies* to ASSASSINATE HIS REPLACEMENT, because he didn't want to go down in the inevitable corruption investigation which was going to follow."


Sean Robinson - 2008-04-03


baleen - 2008-04-03

oh the Department of Justice, typical hippy source.

kingarthur - 2008-04-04

How did "he has conservative, faith-based, Mississippi roots" not give him away as an asshole and completely corrupt from the get-go? That's like saying:

"He is an alumni of Ole Miss Law School"

That said, someone could be trying to just run him out of town as well.

Jeff Fries - 2008-04-04

If you hadn't mentioned this I would have assumed that Harry Samler and his news team were just a bunch of smug fuckers.

gotterdamm - 2008-04-03

This is the same Terrell Bolton that was run out of Dallas for being a crooked fucker, then sued the city for wrongful termination, citing them as racist.

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