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Comment count is 8
Billy Buttsex - 2008-04-02

My favorite part about the release of this video is that Sarkozy promised to send troops over in case any protest riots broke out.

God bless that Frenchman.

EnochEmery - 2008-04-02

Nowhere near as convincing as "The Eternal Jew".

zatojones - 2008-04-02

I'm not sure showing parts of a larger work without context superimposed over the rantings of extremists makes a sound argument against anything.

dancingshadow - 2008-04-02

Works on stupid people.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-02

works for me

Namor - 2008-04-02

The only reason I got as far into it as I did was because I had something in my hand I had to set down before I could stop it. As much as I dislike Islam, I completely and utterly loathe a person who would exploit tapes of 911 calls made by people trapped in the WTC to make a political point. This asshole can die, I wouldn't be bothered one tiny bit.

Rudy - 2008-04-02

When I first heard of this movie, I thought it was going to be a full-length feature. You know, with a balanced narrative and interviews and stuff?

Funny thing about that - it turned into a 15 minute Youtube video full of news clips and scary effects.


Baldr - 2008-04-02

Much like "The Ring" the draw isn't the video itself, but the inevitable shitstorm that follows in it's wake.

I'll hold off on rating until I see the outcome of this attempt at theological trolling.

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