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Comment count is 10
dr_rock - 2008-03-27

Ha! What a jerk! 5 stars for maximum balls.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-27

That guy got the shit kicked out of him for this.

Xenocide - 2008-03-27

I googled this guy and was disappointed to find that he is dead, and he did not die in a skydiving accident (he hung himself.)

baleen - 2008-03-27

In the news conference, Miller asked and answered his own questions. He said that there was no intention to land in or anywhere near Caesars Palace, the site of the fight, that the landing came about because of mechanical problems and that after the beating he took from the crowd, he was practically unscathed. He also said the machine on his back is called a pagojet and can be steered.

When he finished, The Sun said: "He refused to say another word, started the engine of his powered machine, ran 20 yards and launched himself into the sky. Miller circled above us a couple of times, gave us a wave and flew off in the direction of the mountains."

Adham Nu'man - 2008-03-27

A true American Hero.

C. Eloi Marx - 2008-03-27

One star for every audience member who was just wailing on this guy when he landed (to a maximum of five stars).

baleen - 2008-03-27

Oh yes, he got the shit kicked out of him. At 0:32 you can actually see at least one guy (in the red) wailing on him before the cops surround him.

I bet there are a lot of very large people who blame a lost bet on this.

elm axo - 2008-03-27

so this is what that bit in Simpsons is based on right? FlyGuy in the match between Homer and Dredrick Tatum?

Killer Joe - 2008-04-05

I guess. Growing up with the Simpsons was hard. You learned the jokes before you learned about events.

gSSEhh - 2008-03-27

I have watched live boxing maybe three times in my life, yet I was watching HBO when this happened. I'd forgotten all about it.

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