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Desc:On a dark night, a man will be TRANSFORMED!
Category:Classic TV Clips, Short Films
Tags:slick, akeem, the african dream, one man gang, could be a PBS Special
Submitted:Sean Robinson
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Comment count is 24
Sean Robinson - 2008-03-13


Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-14

thats blatently racist.

racism is not cool, it is not a family value.

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

Chet removed my "THE RACE CARD" tag, or it was one too many for the form to handle which is still sort of Chet fucking my not-really-a-joke up.

futurebot - 2008-03-14

Needs "wwe racism" tag, see also http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=22295

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

Did you not read my comment? How fucking dare you. Don't tell me what to do. I'm not going to help assholes like you find your assholes from a hole in the ground OR wrestling videos. Die in hell.

futurebot - 2008-03-14

Man you have an aggression problem, that can't be good for your heart

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

And you think that life's problems will just breeze by you. Wake up or a fucking truck is going to hit you.

And not a metaphorical truck, let me be clear. If you don't start showing more awareness about the hows and whys of the world around you, a truck is literally going to careen into you at some not-unimpressive speed.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-14

omg! flaming yellow boots!!!!

baleen - 2008-03-15

Sean Robinson's aggression is sort of why I like him.

futurebot - 2008-03-14

If you can't relax a little, you should at least cut down on the cholesterol.

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

I am giving you helpful advice, with the calm, measured pace of a doctor, and you are going off on me and predicting my death. You really need to think about the connection between your actions and the widely held belief - which I would fight against at the peril of my very life - that you are an asshole.

futurebot - 2008-03-14

You're right, I shouldn't 5 star other people's videos, you are the Hippocrates of the internet and totally not some bizarre explosion of impotent animus.

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

You literally have no capacity to understand when I am joking. Lots of people are able to figure it out. You are not.

I am going to start being extraordinarily literal with you.

I was jokingly noting that I had just mentioned that I couldn't add any tags. I don't actually think you should die in hell.

I think you need, when reading, to consider if perhaps the writer actually has an intent beyond - and occasionally directly contradictory - to their words. I know that it can be hard to comprehend these discrepancies (collectively described as 'irony' by scientists), but I am sure that we can come up with a workable solution in the future.

On my part, I again pledge to be as earnest and plainspoken with you as I can be.

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

Futurebot, I already screwed up!

Please note that my response was supposed to carry an air of condescension towards you. I don't want you to miss that.

futurebot - 2008-03-14

For me, the giveaway for jokes is usually the "funny" part

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

Futurebot, if we limited ourselves to jokes you get, the Internet would consist of three knock-knock jokes and someone posting a photo-funny.

If we were bound to your sense of humour, we'd all be veal (****Literal Explanation for Futurebot , this is a metaphor to suggest that we would become intellectually weak in a manner that young cows tethered and fattened become physically weak****)

Midnight Man - 2008-03-15

And people scoffed when I believed he was a child

Billy Buttsex - 2008-03-14

It is racist to have a black man plan an African theme. It is racist to suggest that having tribal African dancers partying around a fire is similar to a CBS special.

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

Mean Gene said 'PBS'.

And the dude is white, born and bred.

PlushJake - 2008-03-14

Wow, I was wondering why this was rated so high. Now I know it's to see Sean Robinson overreact. Needs a "Sean Takes It Personal" tag.

Sean Robinson - 2008-03-14

I personally shepherd my videos because I care.

Are you into fucking?

Rudy - 2008-03-14


A fat man in a dashiki.


MasturbationDestination - 2008-03-14

the glory days

Corman's Inferno - 2008-03-14

This is my favorite part of American History X. When Michael Buffer tried to sue an African dance ceremony.

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