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Comment count is 7
The Great Hippo - 2008-02-17

Man, I know hardcore Christians who will break their fucking spinal column while bending in an attempt to explain how this isn't heresy. The movie's just that great.

Someone needs to submit the "Lucky bastard!" scene. :(

garcet71283 - 2008-02-17

I'm a Christian, its easy enough.

Crucifixtion is nothing special. Jesus could have just as easily been hung or stoned, it would have all been the same.

This scene is gleefully irreverent, but the heretical arguments against this movie didn't get what they were trying to say about mob mentality and the absurdity of some beliefs.

Quad9Damage - 2008-02-17

"Lucky Bastard" submitted. But it's in the Hopper :-(

Anyway, I always found this scene cheerful in a really evil sort of way. And back when I was an obnoxious kid I'd start singing the song to my little sister when she was pissed off (just to antagonize her more)

Syd Midnight - 2008-02-17

I hope I remember to use a "and then the suicide brigade joins in" tag someday, when it's appropriate

robotkarateman - 2008-02-17

This is one of those simple songs whose chords I can remember drunk and everyone will sing along to. Even people who haven't watched the movie know this song.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-02-17

A more uplifting message than most movies about Jesus.

EvilHomer - 2008-02-18

Be honest, how many of you were singing along to this? Loudly, and in a British accent, and when Kelly from Accounting walked in to see what the hell was going on, you shot her an irreverent grin and cranked it up a few more notches?

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