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Comment count is 21
glasseye - 2007-12-18


glasseye - 2007-12-18

wtf, I watched this when it was in the hopper and it worked fine...

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2007-12-18



Scynne - 2007-12-18


Syd Midnight - 2007-12-18

I updated the link to this godawful horror

dubz - 2007-12-18

her user profile page is a must-see

kingarthur - 2007-12-18

Best. Video. Ever.

It made me laugh not out of humor, but out of absurdity and mind-shattering terror.

Also, "Xerxes. Famous ruler guy. Starts with an X. You're all going to die."

Hooper_X - 2007-12-18


this mainly is great to me because that looks like my cat, but fatter and with a hitler 'stache.


EvilHomer - 2007-12-18

At first I thought it was a joke, but after seeing http://unification.com/ I'm not so sure.

Aelric - 2007-12-18

this is only the tip of the crazy iceberg.

dancingshadow - 2007-12-18

Angel cat is wise beyond her cat years.

coprolalia - 2007-12-18


revdrew - 2007-12-19

Seconding everyone checking out her user profile. And the video where her and her common law husband/soul mate/whatever Lemon Drop solicit a Barbie doll for a threesome. Not posting because of NSFW.

bac - 2007-12-19

yeah she be buckets oh crazy. incidentally she has a myspace page
with her videos in one nice (wrong word) package.


fucking crazy.

Big Muddy - 2007-12-19

"It's a blessing to wash your face in the summer solstice rain."


Syd Midnight - 2007-12-20

Shame there's problems getting a working video, since this absolutely defines the purpose of the Portal of Evil.

athodyd - 2007-12-20

that is one surprised-looking angel cat

Keefu - 2008-10-07


Xiphias - 2008-10-08

oh god no

bac - 2008-12-01

Oh god yes.

Jaguar Wong - 2013-09-17

Tee hee.

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