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Comment count is 6
drcrypt - 2007-11-19

This had been submitted but not activated, and I couldn't find a valid link using the search function, so I assume it never made it out of the hopper. Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes.

Aelric - 2007-11-19

notice how tom baker is in this the least? whenever he did a "doctors meet" type of episode, he always kinda stepped to the side and was barely in it.

Hooper_X - 2007-11-19

Given what a clusterfuck this was, can you really blame him?

drcrypt - 2007-11-20

I love how all the Doctors are wearing their original, iconic outfits... except Baker, who is wearing what appears to be a red fur coat and a pimp hat.

Midnight Man - 2007-11-20

That's actually the get up Tom Baker wore towards the end of his run. I think it was John Nathan-Turner, the producer at the time, preferred the characters to have more 'uniform' looks for marketability purposes. It was the same coat-hat-scarf comco, but all in deep crimson. The coat isn't as puffy as it looks, the big ridge around his neck is the scarf.

Midnight Man - 2007-11-20

Oh, the Rani. The horrible 80s attempt to create a new timelord villain, she was basically a duller Master with tits. There was some attempt to differentiate her by making her more amoral scientist than would-be tyrant, but the complete inability of her creators Pip and Jane Baker to write any sort of nuance or ambiguity into anything rather shot that in the foot.

Why they didn't just bring back the Meddling Monk is a mystery to me to this day.

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