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Desc:Based solely upon this trailer, I have no idea what this movie is about, but it looks cool!
Category:Trailers, Fashion
Tags:80s, peter weller, buckaroo banzai, no matter where you go, there you are
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Comment count is 19
Hooper_X - 2007-10-06

God bless the 80s. There is no other point in history when movies like this and Big Trouble in Little China could ever have been made.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-10-06

The word is that 'Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League' became Big Trouble in Little China.

Hooper_X - 2007-10-06

That is incorrect. Big Trouble in Little China was originally a western, however.

kingarthur - 2007-10-06

Big Trouble In Little China's protagonist Jack Burton is one of the Blue Blaze Irregulars, however, and is featured in some of the Buckaroo Banzai novels.

Also, my faborite bit of dialogue in this movie:

"What's that watermelon doing there?"

"I'll tell you later."

Meatsack Jones - 2007-10-06

Agreed, I miss these days of non-glam, non-cgi greatness.

KnowFuture - 2007-10-06

There is NO reason for ANYONE to not at least have this movie on their "to-see" list, if they're among the unfortunate few who actually haven't.

kingarthur - 2007-10-06

This movie will teach you everything you ever need to know about being cool, stylish, and classy.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-10-06

...and the basics of theoretical interdimensional physics.

jmags - 2007-10-06

There are a number of reasons why this needs a "perfect" tag.

Adramelech - 2007-10-06

There shouldn't be people who haven't seen this.

revdrew - 2007-10-06

I haven't seen it. :( I really should, shouldn't I?

Repomancer - 2007-10-06

You should see it, revdrew Small Berries.

revdrew - 2010-10-30

Three years later, and I've finally seen this thing. (And get the Smallberries reference.)

What an odd movie. Can't say I was taken by it like some are, but it's certainly one of a kind, and had tons of potential. Too bad about the sequel.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-10-07

I'm shocked this movie ever got made. Shocked in a good way.

Camonk - 2007-10-07

All right, you fuckers. Fine. I'll watch it.

Hooper_X - 2007-10-08

prepare to be confused - in a totally awesome way.

Camonk - 2009-08-13

I did, and I was.

Stopheles - 2010-11-12

My wife's favorite movie. Finding this out only deepened my crush on her, way back in the day.

tesla_weapon - 2017-09-27

I'm crushed not to find a Juice Eggs McKenna comment on this thread, the beautiful man who introduced me to this movie.

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