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Comment count is 12
Knuckles - 2007-09-08

This album is great. I stole it from my sister when I was just a wee lad of 10.

Konversekid - 2007-09-08

These guys are so brilliantly cheesey

glasseye - 2007-09-09

Wonderful stuff.

Thundercougarfalconbird - 2007-09-09

Cake= Delicious in all its forms.

LeMoyne IV - 2007-09-09

I always pictured dude looking more like Andrew Bird.

Never thought he would look like Nocash.

PegLegPete - 2007-09-09

I like this band but they get kinda boring after a while.

Billy the Poet - 2007-09-10

A catchy piece of 90's nostaligia or a visionary warning of the coming furry plague?

blase - 2007-09-10

Video puts the song in perspective (but what was with the furries?)

Roachbud - 2007-09-11

I'm not 100% with the music, but I'll give it props for the anti-corporate message. Fuck those people, their espresso machines and their Bush votes.

Valkor - 2007-09-13

I haven't been on here for that long. I don't think I've seen quite this type of troll before, at least as blatantly. Am I not paying attention?

Anyway, excellent 90's nostalgia.

A Jumping Spider! - 2007-09-16

I hated this song for a long time, it was so overplayed by the one alternative station we could actually get in my area... but I have nothing but love for this video. It's not even that great, but I just love it.

x - 2007-12-28

Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.

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