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Comment count is 10
Jingoro - 2007-08-31

Best Mr. Show sketch. Except possibly Pre-taped Call In Show.

Stopheles - 2007-08-31

The only Mr. Show sketch that falls completely flat (except for maybe that gawdawful "Fifth Wheel" skit from the first season).

Pacobird - 2007-08-31

Sketch comedy needs more Amadeus parodies.

Michael Houser - 2007-09-01

It's the best one AND the nearly worst one? It's fucking quantum!!! Which will it become when I watch it? I'm scared!

PegLegPete - 2007-09-01

Fucking awesome, especially while half-drunk. The mediocrity ghost topped it off. The totally over the top acting with some dignity and an overall sense of mocking is great.

RomancingTrain - 2007-09-01

Bob improvised those sounds then the composer made music out of them.

snothouse - 2007-09-01

Any line in this sketch gets five stars, but let's pick "I fear the century will have stopped turning".

IrishWhiskey - 2007-09-01

Would be a terrible sketch, but the ghost and tear ducts somehow make it brilliant.

KnowFuture - 2009-06-10


ashtar. - 2008-05-18

Five stars for its spot on accurate portrayal of marching band music. BOOM BOOM DUN DUN DUN BOOM TSH

I hate marching bands so very much.

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