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Desc:Shriners and their little dune buggies seem safe and cute, but then DANGER HAPPENS.
Category:Accidents & Explosions, Fashion
Tags:fez, parade, shriners, dune buggies, small town america gone horribly awry!!!
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Comment count is 8
kingarthur - 2007-09-07

Speed Buggy, much like Jabberjaw, craves the succulent blood of children.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-09-07

Tiny fast cars, slow-mo, the only thing it's missing is fire.

1394 - 2007-09-07

I saw the same thing happen in Superior, WI except it was a Shriner on a scooter dressed up as an indian (it was way cooler)

Ersatz - 2007-09-07

They're just drumming up business for the Children's Hospital they're sponsoring.

voodoo_pork - 2007-09-07

There's going to be a little girl scraped off that little hood.

KnowFuture - 2007-09-07

...fuckin' Shriners....

sosage - 2007-09-07

To the elderly shriners, that was just an everyday parking job.

Green - 2007-09-22

I like how the lady waves her hands instead of getting out of the way.

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