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Desc:7 weeks to 6 months -- by the end, he seems to have a stick in his mouth all the time.
Category:Pets & Animals
Tags:dog, Puppy, photo everyday, Bodie
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Comment count is 21
Aelric - 2007-08-19

seems like it's sunny everyday in that town

baleen - 2007-08-19

Not fair. She took a few pictures at the same time.

athodyd - 2007-08-19

Yeah. Also I swear he goes backwards in time a few places.

zatojones - 2007-08-20

This time traveling dog must be studied by science

Smellvin - 2007-08-19

5'd for cat pictures... errr... close enough.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-19

That music makes me want to play Tetris.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-08-20

I could never get enough points to watch the rocket launch at the end.

TinManic - 2007-08-20

this dag pwns all the kittens in the goddamn world!

tamago - 2007-08-20

Let's not go overboard here bub. Now I've got to four star it just to spite you.

Bone_Vulture - 2007-08-20

A timeline of one dog's steady descend into madness? I was expecting the final few photos to show the dog speeding away in the family station wagon.

Adramelech - 2007-08-20

Seriously. This clearly gets progressively darker as it goes on, with the music swelling. This dog may be the Antichrist.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-01-17

I knew I wasn't the only one thinking this. Bodie went from cute, tired-looking puppy to crazy crazy cracked-out tennisball chewer.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-08-20

More like labradorable.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-08-20


Xiphias - 2007-08-20

They actually faked the whole thing in a period of three weeks using Canine Growth Hormone (CGH)

Atomic Powered Jack-O-Lantern - 2007-08-20

Your dog is ugly

Namor - 2007-08-20

That's a lie.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-08-21

you forgot stupid and boring

Calamity Jon - 2007-12-07

Man, SLGF, you really hate dogs. Like, I've seen people who don't LIKE dogs, but you hate them. Did a dog kill your parents or steal your high school sweetheart or something?

(Three stars because this is a great idea done poorly)

8bitwintermute - 2007-08-24


glasseye - 2007-12-05

Dogs drool cats rule.

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