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Desc:On a smoky step halfway to heaven, Kansas teaches about the immutability of death.
Category:Music Videos, Religious
Tags:Kansas, serious music for serious people, prom tuxes, amazing hair
Submitted:Sean Robinson
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Resubmit:Dinky Patterson
Resubmit:Comrade Admiral

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Comment count is 12
Azmo23 - 2007-08-15

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,The lone and level sands stretch far away.I continue to both love and hate the paradox that is Sean Robinson.

Enjoy - 2007-08-15

If that guy ever needs to re-hair his violin bow he'll have plenty to work with.

Azmo23 - 2007-08-15

I didn't even notice that he was a horse, good eyes!

Sean Robinson - 2007-08-15

My favourite is actually the albino with the really straight hair, the minimal mustache and the stupefied seriousness.

zatojones - 2007-08-15

Now THIS is how you take yourself too seriously. Many try but few come close

baleen - 2007-08-15

When I was nine years old this song profoundly effected me. I understood. I was dust in the wind. Then Bob Seger came along and taught me about night moves.

karl hungus - 2007-08-15

I never really "got" this song until duncan's gf was killed on the highlander tv show, and now every time I hear it I think of tessa, and I cry.

Senator_Unger - 2007-08-15

You're my boy Blue!

NineEleven - 2007-08-15

This song is really about a flatulant man and his long suffering wife.

"Dustin! The wind!!"

anvill - 2007-08-15

Still hoping for Dethklok to turn them into a fine red mist.

Also, spectacular tags earn the phantom 6th.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-07-31

I heard this song on the radio today. This is not how I envisioned them.

The Mothership - 2014-08-15




Ah! Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

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