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First Lee Hazlewood and now Tony Wilson...this has been a sad week. RIP Tony, you will be missed.
Is there something wrong with me if I can only stand Blue Monday and Bizarre Love Triangle? +5 anyway because I don't want to flame someone's favorite song.
That's the standard I use as well.
One of the best music videos ever. This was submitted before so it's kind of a dupe but the old link was down so oh well.
Blarg! I did search for "New Order" before I submitted and nothing came up.
Damn, I never would've thought a song about drug usage with Orwellian overtones would have a video with gay oompa loompas slapping each other. I'm fiving this both despite and because of this fact. I have and will love this song until the end of time.
Ah, this takes me back.