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Comment count is 10
Hooper_X - 2007-08-06

They have cameras and a ring and a microphone, but this is basically glorified yard tards. It's almost kind of sad to see someone who was a pretty big star go down to this level.

I wonder if I can get him to job out to me at my next party, event, or corporate function?

BCWA - 2007-08-07

Hammer in BCWA


Mike Tyson?! - 2007-08-06

The crowd he is talking to is only 5 people, isn't it?

Frank Rizzo - 2007-08-06

my heart goes out to there neighbors

Stopheles - 2007-08-06

I saw Valentine and Brutus Beefcake at a USA Pro show about five years ago. They completely sucked, blowing move after move, pacing their part of the match poorly, and getting winded within a few minutes.

After a few minutes wherein the other guys tried to be good jobbers and sell the big-names' moves, but ended up showing the ex-WWF guys up just by NOT being sluggish crap, Valentine and Beefcake just stepped out of the ring and walked back to the dressing room, without making any attempt to make it look like they were "fleeing" or "injured" or anything. They broke character, turned tails, and went back to the showers.

Fuck 'em. I'm not surprised Valentine's doing backyard shows now, nor should he be surprised.

Sean Robinson - 2007-08-06

"THANK YOU" chants are awesome - polite appreciation combined with (tiny) mobs yelling in unison.

If done alone, however, it just sounds like a retard who's been trained by Emily Post-themed puppet shows.

glasseye - 2007-08-06

"Wrestling" is so incredibly retarded.

FeilecanOiche - 2007-08-06

I was about to submit this. This is the equivalent of Norman Mailer writing Harry Potter fanfic. I wonder how much crack these kids had to score to get him to show up. They probably couldn't get enough for a Jake Roberts or Iron Sheik appearance.

At least he looks a little better than he did in the late 90s when he was piano-crate fat. I wanted him to stiff the shit out of that idiot kid cutting a promo, though.

mon666ster - 2007-08-06

"This is backyard wrestling, I never thought I'd be here, but I'm here".

Funny how life works out, eh Greg?

davinciclone - 2008-01-08

"Believe in yourself."

Yeah, you can really go places.

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