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Desc:Nightmarishly hard game is tamed with a combination of save states and a really broken special move.
Category:Video Games
Tags:NES, speedrun, Speed Run, save states, ninja gaiden
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Comment count is 7
Ryo-Cokey - 2007-07-30

What happens in 4-1? That some kind of intentionally exploited glitch?

Xenocide - 2007-07-30

Jesus Christ, you watched that far?

Xiphias - 2007-07-30

I really don't get the appeal of watching these when they're longer than 2 minutes.

dueserpenti - 2007-07-30

When watching someone else play an old video game is the best use I can think of for twenty minutes, I'll just go ahead and kill myself.

Hugo Gorilla - 2007-07-30

With all due apologies, but I have to agree on these speed run videos. As anyone who grew up with a sibling and a console with just one controller can tell you, watching someone else playing a video game is as boring as televised poker championships.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-07-30

I can't believe I managed to actually beat this fucker when I was a kid.

coprolalia - 2007-07-30

He's making the jump... it's his second time through and he hasn't even taken a hit yet!

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