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Desc:yet another sensationalistic fox news report, this time about Maple Story
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:fox news, goths, Maple story, sensationalism
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Comment count is 5
simon666 - 2007-07-27


garcet71283 - 2007-07-27

It used to be that when there was nothing to report on...news programs would run pathetic special-interest stories (see: puppies) but when did insignificant MMORPGs become news?

Pandatronic - 2007-07-27

Needs more exploding van.

fourthguy - 2007-07-27

Well, you have to admit, this is rather sensical and down-to-earth compared to the 4chan thing. Not that that's saying a lot.

Gill_Sans - 2007-07-28

Why does this cut off before we can hear about that world changing super peanut?

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