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Desc:No, seriously, it really should. The sad part is that this guy thinks he's TOTALLY PWNZORING them.
Category:Video Games
Tags:ventrilo, ventrilo harassment, kindly note the lack of the humor category, getting myself 1starred as an object lesson
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Comment count is 6
Hooper_X - 2007-07-11

Yeah, I know this is unfunny and it sucks. That's why I posted it; to show what happens when people who really have no business trying to be funny swing for the fences and completely miss. I accept my 1-stars with dignity.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-11

I don't know if we really needed this lesson, but "getting myself 1starred as and object lesson" should be a link-enabled tag.

Hooper_X - 2007-07-12

Perhaps in the future more people will embrace and utilize this valuable and worthwhile tag. It's our little way of saying "Yeah, it sucks, but you need to see HOW bad it sucks."

EvilHomer - 2007-07-12

I was going to give you bonus stars for the tags, but no. You earned this one star, and I shan't deny you it!

I.. don't really get this one. Is it meant to be funny? Or just annoying? It fails at both, but what's his motivation? HEY! POOP! CACA! Uhhh... DUMB DUMB HEAD FAAAAARRRTTT! Bet I showed you guys, huh?

Adramelech - 2007-07-12

I always rate via the trainwreck system. Although this was more boring than awful. I'm pretty sure the only guy who can do this and make it funny is the original.

FABIO2 - 2007-07-14

The really sad part is that all the funny ventrilo videos aren't available anymore =(

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