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Comment count is 8
dowstroyer666 - 2024-04-25

A.I. Masterpiece

duck&cover - 2024-04-25

I'd like to hear the song about the first time that he glued his balls to his butthole.

Pillager - 2024-04-25

I want to hear the ER Doc's song about this particular visit to the Emergency Room.

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-04-25

This whole channel is gold.

Cena_mark - 2024-04-27

I like this one song, but not really the others, and now my Youtube is full of recommendations for shittier AI novelty song channels.

Rafiki - 2024-04-25

The AI melty-face is perfect.

Pillager - 2024-04-25

No, that's the last known picture of Scat Masterson, he actually wrote the song.

BHWW - 2024-04-30

"Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on glue"

Already, the AI that produced this is superior compared to many modern songwriters.

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