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Desc:The trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI drops 12/6/23. Can't wait...
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:South Park, Trailers, Asses of Fire 2, Terrance & Phillip, cowboy hats
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Comment count is 11
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-12-08

Based on FPM's video I assumed new GTA game was out, about which I gave 0 shits, turns out its merely *the trailer* for a new GTA game which is out..

I found GTA 1 disappointing.. I remember my friend describing it to me in school and I was imagining crude 3d graphics (like interstate 76) The fact that it was 2d was disappointing, 2d is always less immersive for me.

GTA 3 fixed that and it was a huge achievement. Also the car physics was great, I always thought that Carmageddon and GTA 3 had some car physics stuff in common as they were so similar.

San Andreas pushed the boundaries of GTA 3 with boats, planes, bikes, + huge world with 3 cities, rural areas and some rpg elements.

In GTA 4 they also kind of pushed the design. You can clearly see some design intent to make the game more grounded, more immersive, more like a CRPG (which it would have huge potential as), but you can also clearly see them not following through on that and just catering to their base of dumb teens who wanna stand on an NPCs heads randomly firing a rocket laucher around and not immersing themselves one iota.

In GTA5 they just completely gave up and went back to GTA 3 formula, also they made the car physics just baffling and awful. I couldnt play this one, it was just so dated, still exactly following the formula of the game from 2001, a linear cutscene filled "film game", with a giant detailed world that is nothing but a paper thin illusion with no gameplay possibilities. It was so incredibly dull and dated in a post Minecraft world.

Im assuming 6 ,7, 8 etc. will just be more of the same.

Quad9Damage - 2023-12-08

Quoting Seanbaby from his Cracked article about GTA V:

"GTA is enormous and detailed beyond reason. There are hundreds of activities and missions, and nearly some of them are fun." [...] "Do you like playing video darts? Of course you don't. Who would? But you can! Plus yoga! And car towing. Dog training. Photography. Cargo crane operation. Underwater welding. It seems like GTA V stole its game design from a trade school commercial."

Summed up my thoughts precisely. Every mission, a tutorial for a mechanic that you'll never use again. A huge map with nothing (fun) at all to do in it. GTA V's story campaign was like a demo for Online. There was never any single player DLC that livened up the empty places.

I'm HOPING that with the amount of time they have spent working on this, and the fact that we won't see a release for two more years, that we get something impressive, not just blank space for a bunch of online trolls to run around in.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-08

I said, on this very forum, that "GTA: San Andreas" was basically "The Sims" with cars and guns. It was the last in the series I played.

It sounds like things got worse from there.

Quad9Damage - 2023-12-08

The GTA trailer is out now and obviously had more than cowboy hats. People are also releasing videos much longer than one minute and 30 seconds, analyzing every aspect. It will be enough to feed off of for awhile. Rockstar put just enough in to get a feel for things (bad girl protagonist, dumb tourists, Ocean Drive back and crammed up with traffic, Ocean View hotel back, giant alligator in a pool, giant alligator in a gas station.) I'm hyped for 2025 Vice City reimagned as a glitzy, glamorous trash pit. Though I guess I'll have to start putting money away for a new PC if I ever want to experience it as intended.

ashtar. - 2023-12-08

They should make a GTA game about respecting all the traffic regulations (which are there to keep everyone safe), being kind to strangers, and putting in a hard day's work a job that is fulfilling and, in some small way, improves life for members of your community.

Quad9Damage - 2023-12-09

I would love to see a Platinum trophy for something like that. Spend 70 hours ignoring the first story mission and just do bowling, fishing, wine tasting, etc. Never acquire a single wanted star and press right d-pad when on the street to say nice things to people you pass.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-12-09

Grand My-Car-Is-Fully-Licensed-and-Insured Auto


Quad9Damage - 2023-12-10

It unlocks the All State guy as a tennis partner.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-12-09

When I first played Vice City I was blown away. The flat tire mechanic alone was unheard of and added a richness to car chases.

When I first played Far Cry 3 I was blown away. One time I got taken down by a crocodile while trying to line up a sniper shot on a base on the other side of a river. It was the last thing I expected and taught me not to sit still and always keep your head on a swivel.

When I first played Assassin's Creed I was blown away when I did my big hail Mary jump from a church spire into a cart full of hay. What an amazing mechanic to get back to the game after a convoluted climb.

All of the sequels have been variations on these concepts with diminishing returns that can't be overcome with better graphics.

AAA needs a new type of Skinner box.

ashtar. - 2023-12-10

This is kind of why I haven't felt compelled to spend the money to get a PC or console capable of playing AAA games. The same game with better graphics doesn't seem worth it.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-12-14

And none of these concepts are that radical, they just need the (software) technology base to enable that kind of gameplay. So there are other great games out there already in the heads and hearts of would-be players and developers that could be realized if we could just get the money people and the talent people in the same room together to make it happen.

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