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Desc:This video is not good, however lets Streisand effect the shit out of Grayjay
Category:Crime, Business
Tags:Stalin, youtube, 1984, stalinism, streisand effect
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 14
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-11-09

Yeah this video sucks.. I just used it as it was one of the only videos left on YT even referencing the censoring, let alone Grayjay.

After submitting it I checked out the channel and at 1st glance it looks like the guy is some kind of alt-right shithead.

Anyway if u watch videos on your android phone go get Grayjay.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-11-09

Free content Lin a free market. Talk about that, not your grievance.

namtar - 2023-11-11

I watched 3-4 minutes of this video and I have no idea what it's even about. Just pay for YouTube premium if this is about some weird ad blocking app for YouTube

casualcollapse - 2023-11-11

corporate bootlicker

Gmork - 2023-11-11

Yeah let's keep giving money to the thing that radicalizes right wingers

ashtar. - 2023-11-11

Licking boots is actually bad for them. You want to minimize moisture to preserve the leather. What you really want is a horsehair brush.

Nominal - 2023-11-11

You came back after 5 years just to post that?

namtar - 2023-11-12

Youtube premium provides revenue for content creators on Youtube. Blocking ads does nothing for them.

Anyone calling me a bootlicker for paying for content I consume is being childish.

Do none of you pay for Netflix, HBO, Hulu, cable, etc? Does paying for these services make you a corporate bootlicker too?

I pay for the content I consume the most.

Basically 100% of the content that POETV shows comes from Youtube. If you hate Youtube, stop watching it, stop using POETV

casualcollapse - 2023-11-12

I do lick the boots of YT But they have been decreasing the amount. They pay creators less pretty much every year in order to rent seek, I just hate ads, so goddamn much.

Scrimmjob - 2023-11-16

The first time I was a captive audience to a 15 minute Ty Lopez commercial while I was in the shower was also the last time I didn't use a ad blocker on youtube. Maybe if they baked me a cake and said they were sorry I'd reconsider.

Pillager - 2023-11-17

YouTube would have to provide some rather decent hardcore p0rn before I'd part with any cash.

namtar - 2023-11-12

Also, Nominal, you're weird for clicking my profile to make a comment about how long I've been gone.

If you want POETV to be a dying platform, please keep it up. nothing says welcome back like a insult.

casualcollapse - 2023-11-12

Yeah. Glad you are here. Don’t let nom bring you down

Gmork - 2023-11-13

Welcome back, you fucker!

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