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Comment count is 16
Sludge Vohaul - 2023-06-05

...I've tried Fox. You are a very talented and clever amateur stop motion animator and I have genuinely enjoyed some of your submissions.

I've tried starring your work with revisions, with irony, with the pure enjoyment that an exhibit comes directly to this site without any effort from the user base. But I'm sick of Queen, Airplane, Danger mouse, Chicken Run and so forth.

73Q is not the place for these. Consider posting here instead:


I'll gladly subscribe to your channel.

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-06

So , were you aware about the footage used

Cena_mark - 2023-06-06

Did you take down Darkwing Duck Prison Break? I was trying to watch it again, but can't find it on YouTube

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-07

I didn’t do it
It was such a mystery

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-07

But how was the Queen POTU vid looking

Cena_mark - 2023-06-07

Fantastic work

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-07

And what do you think of the film footage

Cena_mark - 2023-06-08

It's good footage. Cool to see the behinds the scenes action.

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-08

I meant the danger mouse footage

Cena_mark - 2023-06-08

Very good

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-09

Have you watched Danger Mouse : The Last Mouse Standing

Cena_mark - 2023-06-10

I've seen the first half. I need to finish it.

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-12

Because it’s 175 minutes long

Cena_mark - 2023-06-13

That's part of it. Perhaps you should work on the pacing of your projects. Youl could get more projects done. Most stop motion films have shorter runtimes than most films because they're so hard to make.
Chicken Run 1h 35m
James and the Giant Peach 1h 19 m
Nightmare Before Christmas 1h 16 m
Paranorman 1h 33m
Wallace and Grommit The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 1h 25m
Fantastic Mr. Fox 1 hr 26 m
The longest released mainstream stop motion film is Guilmero del Tor's Pinocchio at 1h 54m

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-14

But haven’t you remember this scene

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-06-14

Well , the film , that this vid features is 2 hours and 55 minutes long

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