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Comment count is 5
Accidie - 2023-06-06

It really is one for the ages that the Democrats spent 4 years lowering the bar to "any functional adult" and then failed to deliver on it.

Nominal - 2023-06-07

Hey, some more Crackersmack talking points.

Now about your "lower than functioning adult" bar...

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-06-12

I was never crazy about the man, but I honestly get the impression that Biden is being very effective in the impossible politics of the moment. Like I always say: if Bernie had been the nominee I would have been all in for Bernie, who, let me remind everyone, has been all in for Biden. If Bernie Sanders isn't enough of a Bernie Brony to satsisfy the Bernie Bronies, what chance do any of us have?

We've got Trump's former AG on TV saying that Trump is probably going to prison, and Trump not being all that coy about trying to threaten violence . This is going down. This is, to paraphrase Team America World Police, it's going to be 9/11 x 100.

I know that I'm just an old white man, but in these perilous times, I am forced to rally around this other, much older, even whiter man, who very well may die in office, FINALLY making a woman of color the chief executive, and that will probably turn out to be what we needed all along.

Fortunately for me, I'll also be dying soon, though probably not as soon as Biden.

Crackersmack - 2023-06-12

lol Kopmala becoming POTUS would be the end of civilization as we know it

Nominal - 2023-06-07

Imagine how easy it is to NOT submit every random youtube poop you come cross.

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