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Desc:One can hope
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Comment count is 7
casualcollapse - 2023-05-25

I believe TikTok is the closest thing we have to class consciousness here in America

casualcollapse - 2023-05-25

I’m not saying that’s a bad thing

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-05-26

Marx's theory of economic crisis, as presented in his work "Capital," has generated both support and criticism over the years. Here are some valid criticisms of Marx's theory of economic crisis:

Timing and frequency of crises: Critics argue that Marx's prediction of regular and inevitable economic crises occurring under capitalism has not been consistently observed. They point out that capitalism has experienced periods of sustained economic growth without major crises, suggesting that economic crises may not be an inherent feature of the system.

Overemphasis on the falling rate of profit: Marx's theory attributes economic crises to a tendency of the rate of profit to fall over time. Critics argue that this prediction has not been consistently supported by empirical evidence. They contend that the rate of profit is influenced by various factors beyond the labor theory of value, such as technological advancements and changes in the composition of capital.

Role of financial crises: Critics argue that Marx's theory places relatively less emphasis on financial crises and their role in economic downturns. They contend that financial factors, such as speculative bubbles, credit cycles, and financial market instability, play a significant role in triggering and exacerbating economic crises, which Marx's theory does not adequately address.

Inadequate consideration of market dynamics: Critics suggest that Marx's theory of economic crisis does not fully account for the role of market dynamics, including competition, innovation, and entrepreneurial activities. They argue that market forces can lead to adjustments, reallocations, and recoveries that mitigate the severity of crises or even prevent them altogether.

Lack of clear mechanism for crisis resolution: Critics argue that Marx's theory does not provide a clear mechanism for crisis resolution within capitalism. They contend that Marx's focus on the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system overlooks the potential for reforms, policy interventions, and the adaptive capabilities of the system to mitigate crises and promote stability.

Limited consideration of non-economic factors: Marx's theory primarily focuses on economic factors in explaining crises, largely overlooking non-economic factors such as political, social, and institutional dynamics. Critics argue that these factors can significantly influence economic outcomes and shape the trajectory of crises, necessitating a more holistic analysis.

Spike Jonez - 2023-05-26

That might have been true in 2007...

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-05-28

No it's still true.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-05-28

The 2008 financial crisis, caused primarily by irresponsible lending practices and a lack of regulation in the financial industry, has been the subject of many debates. Some Marxist economists see this crisis as evidence of the inherent instability and contradictions within capitalist economies. However, others disagree, offering different perspectives. Here's one possible rebuttal from a non-Marxist perspective:

The 2008 financial crisis doesn't necessarily support Marx's theory of an inherent crisis of overproduction in capitalist economies, as described in Das Kapital. According to Marx, overproduction crises occur when the capitalist class, in their pursuit of profit, produce more goods than the working class can afford to buy, leading to a collapse in demand, layoffs, and further decreases in demand in a vicious cycle.

However, the 2008 crisis was not primarily about the overproduction of goods and services or a general glut in the market. Instead, it was more about financial speculation, lax regulation, and poor risk management in the banking sector, leading to a housing bubble and ultimately its burst.

Financial institutions, motivated by short-term profit, gave out risky subprime loans and bundled these into complex financial products. This was facilitated by a lax regulatory environment and a belief in the self-correcting nature of free markets, leading to overconfidence and excessive risk-taking. When the housing market collapsed, it brought down these financial products and the institutions that had invested heavily in them, causing a credit crunch that affected the wider economy.

This could be seen more as a failure of regulation and oversight, rather than a fundamental flaw of capitalism. In fact, in the aftermath of the crisis, steps were taken to strengthen regulation and oversight to prevent a similar crisis from happening again. These included measures to increase the transparency of financial products, improve risk management practices in financial institutions, and strengthen the oversight role of regulators. These measures suggest that it's possible to reform capitalism to address its flaws, rather than replacing it entirely, as Marx suggested.

Further, it's also worth noting that the crisis was not universal; some capitalist economies weathered the crisis better than others, suggesting that economic outcomes are influenced by a variety of factors, including policy choices and institutional factors, rather than capitalism per se.

It's important to note that this is just one perspective, and interpretations of the 2008 financial crisis are the subject of ongoing debate among economists.

SolRo - 2023-05-28

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