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Desc:Guy pretends to steal stuff from shops to outrun the security gaurds
Tags:urban sprinting, balls of steel
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Comment count is 5
Azmo23 - 2007-07-03

And some Dinny Fuckin Donuts!

Azmo23 - 2007-07-03

aww dupe.

baleen - 2007-07-03

How did he not get thrown in prison after he got put in the chokehold by the mall defender?

Sean Robinson - 2007-07-03

Presumably the fact that he doesn't actually steal anything and the high likelihood that the guards (and the pummeling dude) get tossed a wad of cash to appear on the show precludes any sort of prosecution.

gambol - 2007-07-03

def dupe. But still pretty funny - the music makes it.

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