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Desc:cops protecting and serving /s
Category:Classic TV Clips, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:school shooting, ACAB
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Comment count is 7
The Mothership - 2022-05-28

Yeah things are not looking good for this police force.

betamaxed - 2022-05-28

But I thought good guys with guns were the only people who could stop bad guys with guns!

Crackersmack - 2022-05-28

There were no good guys with guns here. There would have been less dead children if those parents had guns and the cops weren't there at all.

SolRo - 2022-05-28

There would be less dead children if no one had guns

glasseye - 2022-05-29

The cops are, by definition, not good guys.

It could be that some of those parents they stopped were armed, and if they'd been allowed in they could have saved lives.


Crackersmack - 2022-05-29

"No one has guns" isn't an option. Neither is banning or significantly restricting specific types of guns.

SolRo - 2022-05-29

With the abortion ban we’ll’ just make replacement kids, no big loss.

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