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Desc:March 3, 2022. Invasion of Ukraine going poorly, but bombing is going fine for Russia
Category:Military, Horror
Tags:Artillery, civilians, missile, War Crime, short and bitter
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Comment count is 70
Nominal - 2022-03-03

"Stop hitting yourself!"

SolRo - 2022-03-03

Why the downvotes on the shock and awe throwback clip?

Is it a warcrime only when you hit white people living near Europe?

Snark aside, I’m amazed at the total shock of western audiences, after supporting/tolerating 20 years of the same in the Middle East (not counting decades of Israeli war crimes), that urban warfare causes mass civilian casualties.

Maybe the international community cheerleading a suicidal last stand against overwhelming Russian forces was a bad idea? Are you expecting “Old Madman Putin” to have his grinch-like heart grow 3 times it’s size if he sees enough civilian carnage?

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Shut up, SolRus!

SolRo - 2022-03-04

You ready to die for your country in WW3 when they call up the national guard?

SolRo - 2022-03-04

Sorry. AFTER they call up the national guard, get desperate and hand the coast guard some guns.

Nominal - 2022-03-04

Something tells me you weren't advocating for the Iraqis to roll over without firing a shot back in 2003.

The fact that heavy resistance to a full scale invasion is going to make the invading army level the place as well as start WWIII over other countries merely supplying the smaller invadee while avoiding all direct conflict says way more about Putin than it does any of the other parties. It says even more about WHY joining defensive alliances against him is a good idea.

Also, maybe the large majority of Ukrainians hate Russian puppet regimes that much that they're willing to resist to prevent it? This isn't some past era boogeyman to them. It was less than 10 years ago they kicked out Yushchenko and his billionaire oligarch cronies. That shit is fresh in everyone's mind. Are you under the impression it was a radical minority that kicked him out, and the vast majority of the Ukrainian public is clamoring for him (or Oleg Tsaryov, or Yevhen Murayev, or Viktor Medvedchuk) to return?

Forget Hazel and billionaires or Cracker and Bernie, you're sounding like the Israeli government defending the expansion of settlements and shelling of Gaza.

Nominal - 2022-03-04


Fucking Viktor wires crossed at 3am.

Nominal - 2022-03-04

Oh shit, nevermind. You actually DO think the revolution of 2014 was a coup by a minority of "neo nazis".


And the boogeyman behind it all was George" anti-Christ" Soros!

Chalk up another FOX News talking point you've adopted.

Nominal - 2022-03-04

and can I just say that few FOX/SolRus talking points are as sadly hilarious as the idea that a Jew whose great-grandfather's family was wiped out in the Holocaust has inherited the reins of neo-nazidom.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Nominal - Maybe SolRus thinks allowing Russia to win and then overthrowing his puppet government would be less costly.

SolRus - The Russian military has just revealed itself to be a paper tiger. The only thing keeping Putin safe is his nuclear arsenal, and if he uses that then we're all equally fucked civilian and coastie alike.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-03-04

Wow reading that thread from 2016 makes me sad about the state of PoeTV discourse in 2020-onwards. People used to make cogent points even when disagreeing instead of calling each other names.

ashtar. - 2022-03-04

This is bad.
It is also bad when the US does it.
It is also bad when it is done to brown people.

ashtar. - 2022-03-04

I miss memedumpster.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-04

Clearly the only responsible end to this is for Ukraine or NATO to agree that Ukraine will never be a part of NATO.

Russia is predictably and understandably responding to an explicit threat. This is no surprise; Russia has been very clear that Ukraine joining NATO would be a line they would not allow to be crossed. And they are justified in holding that position.

NATO is a dangerous relic bringing us to the brink of WW3, it's well past time for it to go.

And it's ridiculous bordering on offensive to compare this to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Russia isn't colonizing Ukraine, their goal is to knock off a US puppet government and replace it with a puppet government of their own, to protect their ability to export the only product that their nation produces. Any other nation would do the same thing.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Russia is the dangerous relic bringing us closer to WW3. Who attacked who? Ukraine knew this was coming and wanted NATO's protection. Putin's expansionism would occur with our without NATO, NATO is just his excuse.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

We never tried, and now we’ll never know.

The only option given to Putin was to accept a hostile NATO country on Russia's border, with possible loss of military bases and gas pipelines. Western powers funding, arming and training the Ukrainian army made war now preferable to having to go to war later against stronger Ukraine.

Anyhow I’m getting tired of these dumb arguments with western citizens who suddenly declared themselves experts on Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe one week ago. They’re as futile as this pointless war.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

What are your qualifications for speeking on the matter?

Crackersmack - 2022-03-04

*west promises to never move NATO one inch east as part of treaty that reunifies Germany*

*nato expands eastward several times*

*Russia doesn't respond*

*America does a coup to Ukraine in 2014 to remove Russian puppet government and install American puppet government*

*Russia makes it very clear that they would not allow Ukraine to join NATO*

*American puppet government in Ukraine makes moves towards joining NATO*

*Russia invades*

"omg why is Putin so expansionist?"

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Just because Zalenskyy wanted in NATO doesn't mean NATO was taking them. You seem to be forgetting why Zalenskyy wanted in NATO. You act like Russia wasn't being a menace all this time. You expect us to believe Ukrane was a threat to Russia. That's why you and SolRus are viewed as buffoons, you expect us to make that gigantic leap in logic.
Most of what you're saying is bullshit.
https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/28/candace-owen s/fact-checking-claims-nato-us-broke-agreement-again/

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Your stellar narrative comes from equally dim right wing commentators. Sorry clowns, but you can't crow around like you know this better than the rest of us when you're just regurgitating Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson.

Nominal - 2022-03-04

Ukraine was just itching to invade a country with over 10,000 nukes! And they would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky oligarch kids!

ashtar. - 2022-03-04

Hey, remember how Cuba joined a geopolitical alliance we didn't like and we tried to invade them, did like 50 increasingly Rube-Goldberg-ian Castro assassination attempts, nearly started a thermo-nuclear war, and we still have crippling sanctions on them 60 years later?

Not saying that Russia's invasion of Ukraine morally defensible. It's obviously not. Just that the outrage over this (and not the things we do) is not based on principle, it's based on nationalism and, yeah, racism. Maybe willful ignorance, at best.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

Remember Faluja? All the civilians getting sniped by American soldiers as they tried to escape getting bombed by white phosphorous from American helicopters?

Well they welcomed us as liberators so it was probably okay.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

Oh remember when America sanctioned the international criminal court for investigating American war crimes?

Here’s a link if you did forget

https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/14/us-sanctions-international -criminal-court#

Cena_mark - 2022-03-05

Jesus, shut up SolRus with your inane whataboutism! Where were you past decade or so? Do you actually recall people here cheerleading the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Of course not! This is not the place to be chastising for Iraq war support and nationalism. Most folks here knew those wars are evil and so is this war, but this war is happening right now and we're watching the evil unfold.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-05

this isn't about Russia being afraid of an invasion from Ukraine, it's about America (an oil company with an army) controlling the geographic region (Ukraine) that Russia currently needs to be able to export it's oil

America wants to steal the European oil market from Russia, that's all this is about. if Russia can't pipe it's oil through Ukraine then it can't get it to Europe.

SolRo - 2022-03-05

Funny enough i DO remember people cheerleading the Iraq war.

From politicians to the military and the media. America was going to stop evil saddam from nuking New York and the all the Iraqis would hold parades for us! The news televised the great technological prowess of the American military and its ability to bomb buildings and only kill bad guys! Hell, they blew up a television studio and only killed the bad propaganda signals.

Funny though they didn’t want to televise all the dead “enemy” bodies in civilian clothes. Only some independent journos did that, and the general consensus was that those journalists hated America.

Good times.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-05

I'm talking about POETV. Is this really a place to scold nationalistic Iraq war pushers?

SolRo - 2022-03-05

“Freedom isn't free, you liberal namby pambies.” Cena circa 2008 Iraq video


I’m sure you’d have been admonishing us for hating the troops if you had joined earlier.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-05

And the entirety of POETV disagreed with me and called me an idiot

SolRo - 2022-03-05

So what’s the argument here?

That I can’t say the international community are hypocritical opportunists because most PoETV members are bleeding hearts?

That western war crimes are bad but because western citizens don’t like them, while not doing anything to stop them, I can’t call that out?

I think it’s hypocritical bullshit that the western alliances are forcing collective punishment on Russian citizens to stop a war when they’ve been permitting decades of wars and war crimes by western countries out of convenience.

I’m not allowed to say that because you got your favorite Cold War bad guy boogie men back?

Cena_mark - 2022-03-05

You had to go back 14 years to find me saying something stupid, I only have to go back 5 minutes to find something buffoonish from you.

SolRo - 2022-03-05

Nice dodge.

See the neocon nationalist is still deep within you.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-06

You smell like doo doo.

Adham Nu'man - 2022-03-07

I know and work with several people IN Ukraine, but also Estonia and Latvia. They all say Russia is a big bully and has been meddling in their affairs constantly and behaving in a hostile manner.

Hell, even the Russians I know think this is a horrible and unnecessary thing Putin is doing.

I am not American. I don't live in America. I am not pro-America. America is another big bully that has been doing horrible shit in the middle East and plenty of other places worldwide before then.

SolRo, you are wrong. Putin doesn't give a shit about NATO. This would have happened regardless.

Stop being a moron.

SolRo - 2022-03-07

If we all already know, through very thorough unverified speculation, that Putin is madman who cannot be bargained with and will stop at nothing to conquer the world and put us all in death camps, why don’t we just launch the nukes already? Skip the dog and pony show!

Nominal - 2022-03-07

Do you still not realize that you are sounding exactly like the Cracker idiots who tacitly approve everything Trump does because the REAL crime was the DNC in 2016?

Stop, dude

SolRo - 2022-03-07

How about you suck my balls.

Because you’re currently defending the side that wants this war to go on until Putin get a Pyrrhic victory as he bombs Ukraine into submission while the Russian economy craters, or keep it going until the mass civilian death toll and economic pain causes a civil war in Russia. The west does not want to stop the dying, it wants to punish Putin and cripple Russia (wave a stick at China). Their politicians admit as much in interviews, stating that ‘the most important thing is to defeat Putin so he doesn’t go beyond Ukraine.’

Crackersmack - 2022-03-07

I have vivid memories of a former co-worker screaming in my face that Saddam Hussein was just like Hitler, just an out of control madman that would stop at nothing until he finally detonated a WMD in America that would be like a thousand 9/11s. You all sound like him.

SolRo - 2022-03-07

I do respect the Pavlovian conditioning America has managed to achieve with its citizens.

The same people who for decades protest and decry the US government is evil and corrupt just drop all their signs and pick up the little American flags as soon as that same government declares a new enemy that hates their freedom.

Lef - 2022-03-04

Those Uranians have nerves of steel.

0:11 babushka doesn't even flinch !!
0:24 must be 5 people calmly walking away from a direct hit

Must be all the radiation giving them superpowers.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for paying attention if you caught the SOTU reference.

Adjuvant - 2022-03-04

If you go through the video frame-by-frame you can see the cluster bombs dropping.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

It’s not cluster. You wouldn’t be able to see submunitions at that range. It’s a MLRS strike.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Solrus is a 5 star armchair general.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

Cluster munitions are about the size of a baseball.

You think a cheap dash cam video, going through the YouTube compression algorithm, would show a baseball sized object from 2 blocks away?

Please stop being a confrontational dumbass.

Lef - 2022-03-04

Solro is right about not being cluster bombs.
Solro probably right about MLRS.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Cool, he's correct on the minutia of munitions, but completely backass wrong on the narrative.

Lef - 2022-03-04

🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯 star General.

Nominal - 2022-03-04

List of people SolRus is now in complete agreement with:

Tucker Carlson
Steve Harrigan
Candace Owens
Sean Hannity

Take a look at your (only) company, dude. Just stop.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

Idiots attacking me for giving factual analysis.

Fine. Call it evil Russian cluster bombs, each programmed to home in on babies and old women. Keep escalating the rhetoric based on misinformation and your rampant American jingoism.

Fucking morons.

Lef - 2022-03-04

Nominal, have you taken your booster?
Please do, I want you to be safe.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

Nice pouty stomp off. You really think this is based on American Jingoism? You really think POETV is full of flag waving, Lee Greenwood jamming, Jim Duggan "USA, USA, USA!" chanting jingoists?

Again, please explain why you are so much more qualified than the rest of us to speak on this.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

So if you’re not a dumb jingo why are you only attacking me and not adjuvant for his guess at the bombs?

You morons don’t even notice your biases, like all the trumpers parroting everything they see on Fox News.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-04

I'm not attacking you for knowing your bombs, that's just a pointless detail. It's like being the grammar police. You're the munitions police. It doesn't make a an expert on this conflict, it just means you look at youtube comments.
What about your biases? You act like we've been biased towards Ukraine, whereas most people didn't give a shit about it until they saw the horrific footage. On the other hand, the American right has demonstrated an extremely hard Putin boner for the better half of a decade.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

So now I can’t possibly know anything about the conflict, I’m just a dumb Russian reading YouTube comments.

Fuck off and stick that little Chinese made American flag up your ass.

Adjuvant - 2022-03-04

Mea culpa. It was several bombs. In a cluster. A cluster of bombs, but not "cluster bombs". Would "carpet bomb" be more appropriate? "Indiscriminate bomb?" Something with bombs in it, for sure, I'd think. I hate war and especially civilians getting blown up, so I am not familiar with all the terminology.

I blame that for using the wrong term to point out you could actually see the cluster of non-cluster bombs land on a bunch of houses while people were out walking and driving around, apparently minding their own business. Visible bombs from the sky, so we could rule out a gas leak or fireworks accident. I suppose that was part of what I was trying to point out.

To be fair, I guess we can't know for sure that that old lady wasn't a Nazi drug addict on her way to sign Ukraine up for NATO, so I suppose some benefit of the doubt should go to the people dropping the bombs on that one.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-05

"everybody that disagrees with a liberal, even if the liberal is calling for war, is a neocon exactly like tucker carlson and candace owens"

"hmmm I wonder why nobody listens to me when I warn about the danger of far right"

Quad9Damage - 2022-03-04

You mean they're NOT just moving out of my way? Shit, let me shell civilians.

Nominal - 2022-03-04

If only they didn't FORCE me to shell them by entering talks to join an alliance to not get shelled!

Nominal - 2022-03-04

Warmongering Ukrainian building slams into innocent Russian bomb of peace.

SolRo - 2022-03-04

We’ll never know unfortunately.

The west and Ukraine will always claim every bullet fired by Russians was aimed at a crying woman holding her baby and Putin will claim every bullet only hit the Ukrainian Nazi about to stab the crying woman.

Isn’t propaganda fun?

Simillion - 2022-03-05

The eastern half of Ukraine has tended to favor leaders who are subservient to Moscow, and is also where there is the most crime in the country,the most HIV, the most sexual violence, rape, hate crimes, and corruption. This is the side that would be anti-Zelenskyy and would have "welcomed" the Russian military. A small minority of the country opened the gates for this.

I'm aware that many people side with some very sound reasons that we ought to fault NATO or the US for trying to take Ukraine in, but it's funny to me that the MAJORITY opinion of Ukraine itself is being disregarded or ignored in that statement. THEY want to be integrated into the West; particularly the younger generation of voters who have been steadily more and more supportive of a leader like their current president. Surprise, a majority of voters elected a President who supported want the majority wanted: integrating more into the West. Refusing to accept that is to be treasonous against the core of Democracy. The eastern Ukrainian leaders who let Putin in are all guilty of treason of course, and if some of the sentiments I see on my own end of the Internet spiral any further, soon there will be many more acts of Treason -- refusing to accept Democracy -- to punish.

SolRo - 2022-03-05

It’s not so clean as “young western Ukrainians just want NATO peace”

Zelenski was corrupt and had falling approval ratings before the war.

Western Ukraine both integrated the Nazi Azov militia into its military and tolerated extreme Nazi rogue militants fighting in the east.

There’s also the issue of “majority fascism” in that because the pro-Russian Ukrainians were in the minority their rights and views were utterly ignored by the new Ukrainian government and westerners (example; Russian was banned as a supported secondary language two days after the coup government took power)

ashtar. - 2022-03-05

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_ change

"According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000.[6] Another study found that the U.S. engaged in 64 covert and six overt attempts at regime change during the Cold War.[1]"

If you care about democracy, demand the head of Henry Kissinger.

Democracy is great if you want to support that consistently. If you only care about it when it's convenient for your imperial power, it's just hollow propaganda used to veil power politics.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-05

your outrage at Russia is not real. it was put there by people who know you better than you do yourself. there have been dozens of wars w/millions of casualties in the last 20 years, and you didn’t care about any of them until you were told to

Simillion - 2022-03-05

*hypnosis sine wave sounds*

Not really working, sorry. Try again! Oh I'm sure you will, you get some kind of a fragment of a crypto coin or KGB-kredit every time you post, right?

Crackersmack - 2022-03-06

yes this is 'anger towards the murder of innocents' and not something that you have been propagandized to feel over the last ten days, that's why there is equal liberal outrage over Yemen and Palestine

ashtar. - 2022-03-06

"Putin’s end goal isn’t Ukraine but western civilization – the hatred for which he lapped up in the black milk he drank from the KGB’s teat"

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/27/vladimir -putin-russia-ukraine-power

Just cool normal journalism.

Adham Nu'man - 2022-03-07

Ashtar: That is absolutely not cool, normal journalism...

Which is why it is clearly marked as OPINION and it clearly states at the bottom that the author IS NOT a journalist.

SolRo - 2022-03-07

You think it’s responsible to publish unverified and completely speculative hysteria just because you slap OPINION before and after the fear-mongering?

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