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Desc:Cop screaming at, choking, etc. kids caught skateboarding.
Category:Sports, News & Politics
Tags:Police, skaters, up the punx
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Comment count is 17
KnowFuture - 2007-06-27

Just...don't read the comments on YT. They're depressingly retarded.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-27

wow, sorry but normally im on the cops side but from the looks of this Im not. This cop must have been having a a bad day or something. way beyond the call of duty.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-27

Why did they have so much trouble evading such a fat and witless individual?

Namor - 2007-06-27

This is disgusting. I wonder how many cops go to work each day hoping for a chance to physically abuse kids and make a mockery of justice and the law.

Midnight Man - 2008-02-12

Wonder how many naval men go to work every day hoping to bombard foreign nationals from a safe distance, babykiller

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-06-27

I hope he gets thrown off the force for that bit where he put the girl (who was doing nothing to provoke him) in a goddamn headlock. That cannot be legal.

kingarthur - 2007-06-27

Pig in a mansuit. Hope he dies slowly and painfully of ball cancer. Headlocking a teenage girl unprovoked? I hope he's proud of himself.

boba. - 2007-06-27

do you people all live in small towns? this is pretty standard shit for cops, this video is relatively boring.

Mike Tyson?! - 2007-06-28

Yeah, this looks like a regular day in Orlando.

Well, that and there'd be a stabbing 20 feet away that the cops wouldn't notice.

Doomstein - 2007-06-27

Hmm, it seems the choking cop is on administrative leave pending an investigation.

hellomisterkaiser - 2007-06-27

Oh man, I think I stayed in that hotel. I can totally see Hot Springs (where this took place) cops being bored and low-paid enough to do something like this.

Ironically (or coincidentally), the Miss Arkansas pageant was held this week, and the winner's platform was the prevention of school violence. hurr.

EvilHomer - 2007-06-28

Huh. Well, looks like skateboarding IS a crime, after all.

Cube - 2007-06-28

Ahh, little kids. So easy to choke and shove around. Lucky they weren't alone in a barn with the cop.

zatojones - 2007-06-28

Why would a cop be alone in a barn with a bunch of irritating skate rats?

Maxville - 2007-06-28

Fuck that pig.

Adramelech - 2007-06-28

YouTube comments are a trainwreck, I love it. People defending the cop by copying and pasting police terminology is classic. Hey guys, even if it says in a book that a 300-pound dude is allowed to choke a teenage girl for being annoying, that doesn't make it OK.

fractured - 2011-04-18

Bad police are not the exception, but the rule.

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