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Comment count is 5
rural - 2022-01-02

Wait, I'm from the city (hence my hilarious username haha). Did people in the midwest seriously go to a store to rent hunting videos and then... watch them for fun?

teethsalad - 2022-01-03


contrary to popular belief, the world is full of people who are not you, and some of those people may have interests and hobbies

the more you know

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2022-01-03

Yes. Hunting videos were actually put before the Supreme Court relatively recently when somebody claimed that they were obscene, basically too close to a snuff film. The court found that they were protected by the First Amendment.

Nominal - 2022-01-03

Oh my god, he sounds EXACTLY like a younger George Wood of Gaming in the Clinton Years!

somedongus - 2022-01-06

I want to go there

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