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Comment count is 11
love - 2021-11-22

been playing on this on the switch, had one freeze but, otherwise fine.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-11-22

That's my experience whenever there's a big online backlash against bugs and bad game design. I played Skyrim for years without significant bugs.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-11-22

That's not to excuse the producers, though. The games really aren't working for a lot of people. I just wish I could participate in the outrage.

love - 2021-11-22

I feel your pain. I want yell at the clouds with the other fat men, but all I got is a lovely playable version of the best GTA games.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-11-22

Come now. If you were too big for a bandwagon, we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place.

Nominal - 2021-11-23

One of the more amusing, consistent bugs is that a ton of sign texts now has rampant misspellings. Apparently it's because they let AI make its best guess as to what the standard res letters are supposed to be before redrawing them as high res?

Two Jar Slave - 2021-11-23

They should keep that bug and insert a mission where city council hires you to off the contractor who made all the signs.

love - 2021-11-23

oooh I'll look out for that, might be some fun in it

Nominal - 2021-11-23

Looks like it's most common for texts inside stores and fast food places.

glasseye - 2021-11-24

I mean the original games weren't exactly bug free.

garcet71283 - 2021-11-24

Glad to see they asked Todd Howard to help with the port.

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