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Comment count is 5
Mister Yuck - 2021-09-17

"Don't pour methanol directly on an open flame" is right up there with "don't drink bleach" for public safety announcements that make you lose faith in humanity.

Baldr - 2021-09-17

There was a case in 2014 where an open container wasn't poured onto the fire. But during a repeat of the demonstration the residual heat reignited the fumes which went back into the container.

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/he-was-engulfed-flames-wh en-school-chemistry-experiment-erupted-he-n1025771

It's a common demonstration that maybe needs to be retired from K-12, since kids get ignited on occasion. I watched someone do it two years ago at an event, and if I had been in the front couple rows I would have moved back a bit.

duck&cover - 2021-09-17

Taste the rainbow.

The Mothership - 2021-09-18


Nominal - 2021-09-18

Roy G. BOOM!

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