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Desc:Forget music videos, why doesn't MTV do THESE anymore?
Category:Classic TV Clips, Business
Tags:MTV, the 80s, yuppies, this actually happened, results may vary
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Comment count is 4
The Mothership - 2021-08-26

It's your money, Gavin.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-26

Four stars, because I was expecting a contest where the prize screws over the winner, but this guy screwed himself. This isn't like Extreme Home Makeover where winners are left with higher property taxes and utility bills, and taxes on the renovations. This contest gave him $150,000, which was plenty to cover the taxes on the car and electronics. This guy was just a moron with money and drove the BMW recklessly. He was supposed to buy stocks with the 50k. That's part of the yuppie lifestyle. I'll bet 50k worth of 90s stocks would be a fortune now.

TeenerTot - 2021-08-26

This narrator? He sounds like a high schooler? Who's unprepared for their oral presentation? It's really hard to listen to?

exy - 2021-08-26

This narrator would use the word "would" a lot. He would be from the subjunctive dimension.

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