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Desc:Simpocalypse now
Category:Business, Crime
Tags:porn, dystopia, Only Fans, payment processors, corporate overlords
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Comment count is 4
Nominal - 2021-08-22

The fuck horseshit it is?

Centers the whole thing around Mastercard's moves to stop payments on porn sites, not once mentions the long time lobbying campaigns by Exodus Cry and NCOSE (National Center on Sexual Exploitation), two far right Christian abolitionist organizations whose ultimate goals a total ban of all sex work and pornography?

No. instead it's "THANKS, OBAMA!" Yeah yeah sure cracking down on sex workers is bad, but the REAL threat is those socialists coming to take our guns and our crypto and our pay day loan centers! How evil do you have to be to defend predatory pay day loan centers and demonize anyone who cracks down on them? This piece reeks of the larger right wing campaign to attack payment process centers pulling support for abhorrent far right groups like the Proudboys, Patriot Prayer, or shady gun trading.

To completely ignore the larger driving lobby forces behind this and only mentions GUNS & CRPTO, I'd swear these guys were part of some "independent thinker" libertarian think tank, but I'm not seeing any official info on them online, and their past videos don't show any leaning. It seems like they were staggeringly lazy and dumb covering this subject, and right wingers like our dear submitter started passing it around at lunchtime.

duck&cover - 2021-08-22

I agree that they should've talked about the Fundie influence.

Quad9Damage - 2021-08-22

Whatever side you're on, NCOSE (a.k.a. Morality in Media) is not your friend. Not only do they lobby against absolutely everything fun, and have for 60 years, the name change is sheep's clothing to pretend they're now waging war from the Left.

Pillager - 2021-08-22

Green Party member reporting, boo boo.

Trust me, there are plenty of Right Wing SJW YouTubers gloating over this banking overreach. personally, I went for a more balanced view.

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