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Comment count is 8
casualcollapse - 2021-06-09

since the adult swim one looks like its DOA in the hopper ( i know ..not a video)
just you wait for all the companies looking to ride [as] coattails on this organic advertising trend

casualcollapse - 2021-06-09


Gmork - 2021-06-09

I still refuse to learn who the fuck Drake is and the few things that have managed to seep through are pretty much all like this

casualcollapse - 2021-06-09

sounds racist🤣🤣🤣

love - 2021-06-10

not necessarily racist, the company I work for markets the fuck out of drake, and I similarly got so annoyed with the hype that I lost all curiosity as to his music.
anyone with as much corporate backing as drake has got to be thoroughly mediocre.

yogarfield - 2021-06-10

He tries to posit himself as a baller, but he got his start as a child star on Degrassi.

OxygenThief - 2021-06-10

Imagine the guy you knew from high school who was creepy around young women also made music.

casualcollapse - 2021-06-11

of cousrse i kid

maybe should have put a /s for sarcasm

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