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Comment count is 12
Adjuvant - 2021-05-05

https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/who-is-leo-prinsloo-driver-in -cit-heist-video-pretoria-n4-5-may-2021/

casualcollapse - 2021-05-06


Bisekrankas - 2021-05-05

'Mtombeni told eNCA that it was only his fourth day working as a security escort and the first time he had experienced gunfire from inside the vehicle. Online spectators criticised Mtombeni for what they perceived as a lack of action.'

'Online Spectators' should go fuck themselves.

jangbones - 2021-05-05

poor guy, seems like he acted appropriately

"panic for a few seconds, get gun ready, stay the fuck out of the drivers way, get ready to shoot any mfers that I have to"

TeenerTot - 2021-05-06

Yea, I would have handed the wheel to the other guy, opened the back doors and spread gunfire over the highway before doing a front flip onto the perp's car and smashing my fist through the windshield, grabbing em by the throat and bashing his head on the steering wheel until the car spun out and skidded into a ravine and exploded just as I jumped free, did a three-point landing and slid on my ray bans.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-05-06

Those cell phones aren't gonna get delivered by weak normies, they need HEROES.

exy - 2021-05-06

If only Donald Trump, or whoever was the most recent politician to claim they would have single-handedly taken out whichever attacker, had been there.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-05-05

Good to see that Sick Boy's got a job these days.

simon666 - 2021-05-06

Did they get high centered at the end?

Adjuvant - 2021-05-06

That or broke the axle, maybe? Wonder how starred up the front windshield was and how well he could still see where he was going by that point.

casualcollapse - 2021-05-07

From the front of the car angle https://youtu.be/gCuZuclmY_Y

casualcollapse - 2021-05-07

Those trucks are heavy as hell, if anybody slowed down I would have ran their ass over

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