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Comment count is 48
exy - 2021-04-23

She sounds like she's at about a 0.75 on the Feinstein index

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-04-24

She's a 9.0 on the Cunt Scale

Hazelnut - 2021-04-25

Ah, right-wing misogyny, got it

exy - 2021-04-26

er, yeah, i was referencing the apparent cognitive decline, there

Nominal - 2021-04-23

Still bitter that Trump didn't win?

ashtar. - 2021-04-23

She's trying real hard to make that happen next time around.

SolRo - 2021-04-23

You are.

Crackersmack - 2021-04-28

Democrats are.

teethsalad - 2021-04-28


they cant admit to anything positive (like the federal ban on private prisons) actually happening or they run the risk of looking wrong to a bunch of strangers on the internet

Pillager - 2021-04-23

"Gramma? You taking your Aricept? "

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-23

This is a weird thing for people to get upset over. She's eulogizing him. People say stuff like this at funerals. If she said it at a funeral, no one would have noticed.

Of course, she's not saying that George Floyd chose to be murdered. No one believes that. She's saying that the sacrifice he made turned out to be important, and so even though we all know he didn't choose to die like that, lets give him the credit.

Or something like that. The verdict is murder. She agreed with the verdict. Everything else is just rhetoric.

There's no reason why anyone should care about this, except bad faith, or maybe bad taste. There's nothing wrong with having a laugh when a politician says something exceptionally badly, and I'm certainly not denying this was some awkward old lady phrasing... but this isn't really funny, is it? I don't think it's funny.

Meanwhile Tucker Carlson has said that the jury found Chauvin guilty because they didn't want Antifa to come and burn down their houses, and he's called the verdict "an attack on civilization". Also not funny, by the way.

exy - 2021-04-23

I don't find it funny either, but I mean it when I think Pelosi sounds too doddery at a time when I'd like to see some real progressive action.

ashtar. - 2021-04-23

John, if someone shows up at your funeral and thanks you for dying, I will punch them for you.

Gmork - 2021-04-23

im sure john would really appreciate you punching family members or friends at his fucking funeral

jesus christ

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-23

Actually, what I'd like for my funeral is a food fight, like at the end of that Doug Kenney biopic with Will Forte.

ashtar. - 2021-04-24


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

Okay, I'll admit that's pretty good.

ashtar. - 2021-04-23

He didn't sacrifice his life for justice, he was murdered in a horrible way.

It is amazingly disrespectful and just fucking racist to talk about him as if he was some sacrificial lamb that had to die so that everyone could have a moment. She shouldn't be thanking him for dying, she should be apologizing to him for not doing enough over the 34 years she's been in congress to prevent his death.

It's kind of hard to believe that this needs to be explained.

exy - 2021-04-23

"Thanks, Harriet Tubman." "Thanks, John Brown." Those'd scan okay, because those people deliberately put themselves in harms' way.

"We will always honor George Floyd's memory." That scans okay, because Floyd's status as a martyr is well deserved.

But "Thanks, George Floyd," does not sit right at all. It makes it sound like he got murdered by a cop as a favor to Pelosi, or to anyone at all. And it's gross to make it sound that way.

Did George Floyd leave the house looking to become a household name for the price of dying? No, he left the house to get some cigarettes, and I bet he'd prefer the outcome where he went home and died anonymously of lung cancer 30 years later.

So fuck this display of gratitude. Learn and legislate, Nance, and while you're at it let someone who isn't a dinosaur swing the gavel. Or at the very least, write a less tone-deaf speech.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-04-23

Yeah, I think the distinction between saying something like "your death was not in vain" and "thank you for your sacrifice" is pretty important here.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

What ashtar has REALLY explained to me, by example, is that there is such a thing as "virtue signaling". I'm pretty sure I could talk about how racist it is for ashtar to presume what Nancy Pelosi owes People of Color. It would probably scan just as well. I mean, we've all got the stink on us, right?


>>>Yeah, I think the distinction between saying something like "your death was not in vain" and "thank you for your sacrifice" is pretty important here.


Nothing Nancy Pelosi, or Tucker Carlson, or Brett Favre has to say about this is important. THE VERDICT is important. The fate of Democratic legislation is important. This is just ceremonial blather. Okay, it's FLUBBED ceremonial blather. Big fuckin whoop.

I know very very little about what's been happening in congress, and so, I suspect, do most people. So we pretend this matters, because it fits into a one minute video, and because talking competently about what actually matters involves a lot of work.

I'm going to go read an online comic book about Harley Quinn, which is exactly as important as what Nancy Pelosi had to say about a decision that she had nothing to do with making.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-04-24

This ceremonial blather was made worse by her having said "thank you for your sacrifice" instead of something like "your death was not in vain". Saying that doesn't detract from the importance of the verdict.

Ceremonial blather is boring and tedious but it's not meaningless. People record this stuff and listen to it decades later to understand history (ok maybe not THIS speech but who knows?)

Also it's in the first day after a major event that the popular narrative gets framed (remember that Ask a Mortician video about Columbine?), so not pushing back on this risks cementing the idea that George Floyd is some kind of hero who sacrificed himself for a good cause. I'd rather he be remembered as an arbitrarily-selected murder victim whose death sparked a sea change in justice policy.

ashtar. - 2021-04-24

"Words don't mean things. Warmbo will SCREAM if you keep saying the bad thing about democrats" -John Holmes Motherfucker

ashtar. - 2021-04-24

I mean, that's more or less what you said. It's all rhetoric.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

>>>This ceremonial blather was made worse by her having said "thank you for your sacrifice" instead of something like "your death was not in vain". Saying that doesn't detract from the importance of the verdict.

So say it. It's a perfectly valid criticism, which I happen to agree with, but to get angry about it is bizarre as hell.

>>>Also it's in the first day after a major event that the popular narrative gets framed (remember that Ask a Mortician video about Columbine?),

What the fuck are you talking about? George Floyd died almost a year ago. I know Caitlin Doughty made a Columbine video, and I seem to remember watching it, but for purposes of this discussion, that's probably a no.

>>> so not pushing back on this risks cementing the idea that George Floyd is some kind of hero who sacrificed himself for a good cause.

OKAY, REALLY? THIS is going to cement the popular narrative? A bad analogy by popular folk hero Nancy Pelosi? What level of risk are we talking about here?

By all means, push back, but don't let it push you. Or go ahead, if you must. This is just ashtar being a troll, and actually being kind of successful for once. He probably needed a win.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

>>>"Words don't mean things. Warmbo will SCREAM if you keep saying the bad thing about democrats" -John Holmes Motherfucker

>>>I mean, that's more or less what you said. It's all rhetoric.

Honestly, has this piece of shit ever done ANYTHING in here that's in good faith?

jfcaron_ca - 2021-04-24

Ok this is unproductive even at the level of arguing semantics. I wasn't even upset about anything until I realized John was mixing me up with the trolls, or at least mixing up our arguments.

"So say it." say what?
"George Floyd died almost a year ago." I think the salient event here is the verdict, not the murder itself.
"OKAY, REALLY?" Calm down, geez. Yes, official statements by powerful politicians shape the narrative. When said statements are bad we should call them bad. C'mon man.

exy - 2021-04-24

Hey JoHo, remember how, by your telling, it took you a while to decide that "microaggression" might be a significant concept? This is like that, only with rhetorical analysis of remarks made by the top power-brokers in the country.

You're saying people shouldn't be upset about it because it doesn't matter. There seems to be a shrillness to the complaints you oppose, but as far as I can tell it only exists in your mind.

So, hearing these meaningless words, do you anticipate the dinosaur wing of the DNC steering us toward meaningful reform? Or do you hear some pabulum? Because one of those things would be encouraging, and the other, apparently, doesn't matter any more than a comic book. Maybe you're being deliberately obtuse. Or maybe you should stick to analyzing comics.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

Okay, now I did mix up my response to exy and jfcaron here.

>>>So, hearing these meaningless words, do you anticipate the dinosaur wing of the DNC steering us toward meaningful reform? Or do you hear some pabulum?

Are you saying that only one of these things can be true? Thank you for the new word, by the way.

>>>There seems to be a shrillness to the complaints you oppose, but as far as I can tell it only exists in your mind.


>>>"So say it." say what?

Take another look at the post. I don't see how this could be clearer.

>>>>"George Floyd died almost a year ago." I think the salient event here is the verdict, not the murder itself.

It is the salient (more important) event, but it's not the popular narrative of the verdict that you were concerned about. If George Floyd had "sacrificed" himself, it wasn't at the trial. He's already been dead for a while.

>>>. Yes, official statements by powerful politicians shape the narrative.

I just don't see this happening here. I don't think Nancy Pelosi is trying to push the absurd narrative that George Floyd volunteered to be murdered. I don't see any clear incentive for her to push that narrative. I don't think anyone who heard her believes the absurd narrative that George Floyd volunteered to be murdered, and if you tell me that YOU believe that Nancy Pelosi convinced anyone that George Floyd volunteered to be murdered, I will be surprised.

Not that there isn't a narrative being pushed:

>>>She's trying to pretend like she cares about this guy she would have absolutely called her security detail on if she met him in real life and she let slip that she views him purely as a convenient political tool to advance her own power.
>>>She is a senile lizard person and having her in charge of the house is a real liability.
>>>It is amazingly disrespectful and just fucking racist to talk about him as if he was some sacrificial lamb that had to die so that everyone could have a moment. She shouldn't be thanking him for dying, she should be apologizing to him for not doing enough over the 34 years she's been in congress to prevent his death.

This is the narrative being deliberately pushed. This is why this clip was submitted. I'm not sure that parts of it aren't true, but I hold that the incorrect use of the word "sacrifice" is evidence for none of that, and I believe ashtar probably knows this.

>>>When said statements are bad we should call them bad. C'mon man.

I had to look it up to be sure, but she did indeed use the word "sacrifice" incorrectly.. I've already said this, but good faith criticisms of the incorrect use of "sacrifice" are valid.

ashtar. - 2021-04-24

That's a whole lot of tedious bullshit to avoid the fact that N.P.'s comments are generally agreed to be at best tone deaf. I mean, look at google.

The fact that you can't process anyone disagreeing with you except as a "bad faith troll" (not even sure what that means in this context) even when you're taking a highly heterodox position says a lot about your ability to process reality.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

Jesus Christ, OF COURSE it was tone deaf!

>>>The fact that you can't process anyone disagreeing with you except as a "bad faith troll" (not even sure what that means in this context) even when you're taking a highly heterodox position says a lot about your ability to process reality.

The fact that you can't distinguish between disagreement and character assassination says that you're a bad faith troll.

ashtar. - 2021-04-24

Like, the problem here is that Pelosi is an 81 year old multimillionaire from the richest part of San Fransisco who has been in congress forever and wouldn't piss on a poor (less than 400k per year) person if they were on fire.

She's trying to pretend like she cares about this guy she would have absolutely called her security detail on if she met him in real life and she let slip that she views him purely as a convenient political tool to advance her own power.

She is a senile lizard person and having her in charge of the house is a real liability.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

Ashtar finally gets to the point. Imagine my surprise when George Floyd was barely mentioned!

Hazelnut - 2021-04-25

All I see is ‘Filtered: Crackersmack’s sock puppet’, so let me guess: misogynistic tirade that completely drops the fake leftist veneer?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-25

Yeah, well, that would be interpreting. Some kind of tirade.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-04-24

Inncidentally here's a great take from The Onion.


glasseye - 2021-04-24

What a fucking ghoul.

Gwago - 2021-04-25

She lost 100% off my trust when she repeated "What we saw"

Crackersmack - 2021-04-28

Very revealing as to how Democrats view Black victims of police murder.

teethsalad - 2021-04-28

oh boy poetv's own resident bill maher is here with another contrarian HOT TAKE that's gonna blow some NORMIE brains

Crackersmack - 2021-04-28

the hot take is that this is just fine (and you'll find a bunch of edgelords pushing that narrative above) I'm disgusted by Pelosi like most normal people are

Crackersmack - 2021-04-28

also I'm from the original POE, I don't identify as part of you losers

teethsalad - 2021-04-28


everybody take note

teethsalad - 2021-04-28

Reply to ^ little man tate up here

Crackersmack - 2021-04-28

yeah POE was pretty cool

teethsalad - 2021-04-28

shut up you fat fuck

ashtar. - 2021-04-29

ask not for whomst the bill mahers, it mahers for thee

Crackersmack - 2021-04-30

got me confused with Gmork

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