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Comment count is 12
Lef - 2020-12-01


fedex - 2020-12-02

Yeah that was pretty good

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-12-01

Since the election, 2020 has become my favorite year, but I can see how some might disagree.

Mister Yuck - 2020-12-01

I'm happy Biden won, but I don't understand how you can feel that way. This year has been a grinding tragedy for my family, we've lost three, not to COVID, and we can't hold memorial services even. My best friend went down the conservative hole and won't talk to me any more. My parents' whole block, that they've lived on for 30 years, has iced them out because of politics. Shit is fucked and it's staying fucked.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-12-02

Well, I'm sorry, but I guess I was just luckier this year, but my year to be unlucky was 2017.

Fox-Pixar Media - 2020-12-01


casualcollapse - 2020-12-02

fuck you FPM

we are all sick of your shit


Lef - 2020-12-02

I helped vote your chuckle thing out of the hopper.

I'm Regretting that decision now that you're spamming other threads.

How many users do you expect from your shit posting?

If everyone on this site looked at your video, you'd be lucky with 100 views.

Why do you want to annoy people for 100 views? Why annoy the same people you want to enjoy your video?

Annoying your users is the death bell for social media. You are reducing your audience by your actions.

Anaxagoras - 2020-12-02

I checked out some of these guys' other songs. These guys are fucking awesome!

Thanks for the submission.

fedex - 2020-12-02

Cool! Yeah they are a bit like a Slav version of Die Antwoord but they definitely have their own thing going on.

Anaxagoras - 2020-12-03

I have developed a mancrush on the guy with black lipstick around his mouth; I squee every time he appears in a video.

fedex - 2020-12-03

He's got some nice neck ink going too

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