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Desc:Literally every location 30 years later
Category:General Station, Nature & Places
Tags:Back to the Future, nothing happens, brits on holiday, thanks dad
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Comment count is 5
The Mothership - 2020-11-15

I like how he's clearly not the only person who does this.

simon666 - 2020-11-17

I wouldn't be surprised if this kind of thing is predominantly a British/European activity. They have a fascination with Americana and American kitsch (I don't blame them!) that is a little sentimental at times. I duno what I'm saying. But you get the gist, hopefully.

Nominal - 2020-11-16

Are there going to be any movies from after 1990 that anyone is going to give enough of a shit about to do stuff like this 30 years later?

Is it just going to be people walking around Vancouver trying to find the locations that were heavily CGI'd in their favorite movie?

The Mothership - 2020-11-17

Some of them are mundane, but I would love to visit all the locations from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure!

https://www.movie-locations.com/movies/b/Bill-And-Teds-Excelle nt-Adventure.php

Nominal - 2020-11-16

Are there going to be any movies from after 1990 that anyone is going to give enough of a shit about to do stuff like this 30 years later?

Is it just going to be people walking around Vancouver trying to find the locations that were heavily CGI'd in their favorite movie?

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