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Comment count is 8
ScrubbingBubbles - 2007-06-09

This is the best one yet

B. Weed - 2007-06-09

Too bad it's just a re-edit of the orignal Spoon video.

StanleyPain - 2007-06-09

Uhh..most of these newer Keepon videos are just the old Spoon video with a song that's right around the same BPM edited to be in sync with the movement. That's too bad.

ScrubbingBubbles - 2007-06-09

Damnit, didn't notice that. Oh well, it's still entertaining.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-06-09

No. bad. Taking the same video and putting on new music is gay.

zatojones - 2007-06-09

"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"

I thought these douche bags where supposed to be politically astute.

Doctor Arcane - 2007-06-09

This song is about Steel Tarrifs

minimalist - 2007-06-11

This song is about refusing to mow your fascist dad's lawn

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