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Comment count is 5
caek - 2020-01-19

this is making me actively stupider

Cena_mark - 2020-01-19

Mr Enter is the worst animation reviewer on youtube. He often doesnt get jokes and then rails against the media he's reviewing instead of his lack of knowledge. Like in Sharktale when the Will Smith fish makes a joke about whitefish having no rhythm, Mr Enter points out that the fish targeted by the joke isnt white. What Mr Enter doesnt understand is that whitefish is a culinary term describing the meat.

Marlon Brawndo - 2020-01-19

Shark Tale was fucking Shakespeare compared with this shit.

His concept is ill conceived and sounds unwatchable. So of course it would only cost 400K

Maggot Brain - 2020-01-19

idk the basic concept of a "town ran by kids" is workable but the rest...oh, boy. I'm getting bad touch vibs.

BHWW - 2020-01-20

I won't watch it, just viewing part of a Mr. Enter video may result in you catching the quasi-autisms.

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