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Comment count is 4
Meerkat - 2019-09-11

Wait so someone was protesting a straight pride parade, and there were people counter-protesting those people?

Or was it a parade of people protesting having straight pride and there were people protesting their protesting of having to be in a parade because they are straight?

SolRo - 2019-09-11

There was a veritable sausage festival of white nationalist men, led by a self-hating gay Nazi, were celebrating “being straight”.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-09-13

Takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent’s Fritters.

For real though, I don’t care who you are or what you believe, if you’re not willing to suffer the consequences of civil disobedience then trying to claim martyrdom is meaningless. So many Kim Davises, loudly making their bold stances, and then desperately trying to get out of the logical follow up to doing so. This goes for both sides.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-09-13

I think that aspect was what infuriated me most about the concept of an Area 51 storm... yes, they not only WILL arrest you all, and quite likely just shoot at least half of you. Of course they cancelled it, despite our national reputation as ideological stance takers, it is extremely rare for it to actually happen.

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