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Comment count is 4
Mister Yuck - 2019-01-19

Needs a section about not aiming the exhaust fan at the sparkies' break area, ya asshole brickies!

Chancho - 2019-01-19

Silicosis is being taken more seriously in construction. The general contractors are starting to ban beards and force people to wear a respirator with the proper filters. Hammer drilling into concrete is enough to require wearing a respirator.

Mister Yuck - 2019-01-20

So far it's only large shops and large jobs that are starting to take it seriously, in my experience. Have those new OSHA rules finally taken effect? They've been delayed for years, and even if they have, OSHA no longer seems to make site visits.

Chancho - 2019-01-20

I'm in Soviet Canuckistan but it's similar to the US, big contractors are starting to require it. It's also driven by insurance companies who offer lower premiums to companies who enforce safety rules on their jobs. I got out of construction a few years ago so it's probably more strict now.

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