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Desc:2018 essay film, Malick and Reggio executive producers. That's a M83 track. Gobsmacking visuals.
Category:Nature & Places, Religious
Tags:4k, Koyanisqaatsi, M83.
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Comment count is 7
fedex - 2018-06-06

looks great in 4K!

StanleyPain - 2018-06-06

Might be cool...guess we'll see.

Two Jar Slave - 2018-06-06

Not as good looking as Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-06-07

U'd probably like 'Samsara' godot

Gamara II - 2018-06-07

My get-rich-quick scheme is to someday write software that algorithmically generates Baraka/Samsara style movies by piecing together random slowed-down stock footage (with watermarks), and a selection of inspirational public-domain music. I'll even generate the movie title based on asian-y sounding words.

(I did like those movies, for the record)

godot - 2018-06-09

I've a whole collection of these narrationless (or nearly so) docs on Blu-ray: Koyanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, Naqoyqatsi, Anima Mundi, Visitors, Chronos, Baraka, Samsara, Bodysong, Microcosmos, Seasons, Voyage of Time, Timescapes... I'd have them as wallpaper if I could.

godot - 2018-06-09

Tom Lowe (who did Timescapes & Awaken and hosts the timelapse.org forum) seems more into the technology and aesthetics rather than pushing a message (unlike Reggio, Fricke, Malick, and the other directors).

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