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Comment count is 6
zurf - 2018-04-30

"horizon means horizontal"

Redford - 2018-05-01

"Hard Hitting"

It's nice how they are using their own Photoshop of the earth's horizon to convince you that every single image released by NASA is a photoshop.

Born in the RSR - 2018-05-01

I wonder if this guy makes any money off spotify.

Also, the fake VEVO logo is a nice touch.

exy - 2018-05-02

5 for the presumed whispers into those child actors' ears about how they shouldn't believe the lies implied by their globe props. Unless he's a troll.

Chicken the Did - 2018-05-02

"Get that pseudo-science outta my face!"

Yeah, unlike the real science of a great and powerful space wizard wiggling his fingers and making a giant vinyl LP for humanity (crafted out of Jehovah Brand Play Doh and zinged to life!) to live on.

mon666ster - 2018-05-03

Headlining next year's Gathering of the Juggalos no doubt.

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