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Comment count is 7
duck&cover - 2018-03-27

That's nothing. You should see their cow catcher.

Meerkat - 2018-03-27

Well that ruffled some feathers. I thought it was going to be like Caligula's moving wall device. Also the guy should be riding it wearing in a metal thong and playing a flaming banjo or something.

Crab Mentality - 2018-04-04

I'm kinda wondering if that would be more humane.

Hooker - 2018-03-27

Looks delicious!

fedex - 2018-03-28

ONE DAY THEY SHALL RISE UP AND...well, no they probably won't, except by conveyor belt.

exy - 2018-03-28

Are you sure this isn't called a chicken kersplunklenator?

Mother Lumper - 2018-03-28

We need more poultry abuse footage, I'm not done masturbating.

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