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Comment count is 7
Binro the Heretic - 2018-03-24

The first amendment does not guarantee you a show on Netflix or whatever, you fucking dolt.

Meerkat - 2018-03-24

Woo hoo strawman ahoy before even 45 seconds.

StanleyPain - 2018-03-24

Havne't watched it, but is this the video where they basically say you should be grateful your school was shot up because now you're famous? Cuz that was a real thing the NRA tweeted out or something today.

Binro the Heretic - 2018-03-24

No, that's the other video on the front page.

This one is, "Law enforcement failed to stop the Parkland shooter."

But I don't know what they expected FBI or local authorities to do. The law doesn't allow them to take away people's guns & doesn't allow them to arrest someone BEFORE they kill someone unless they can prove that person very specifically planned to kill someone.

SolRo - 2018-03-25

See, if he was just a bomber then any of those entities could have arrested him long before he could have killed anyone. Because any random schmuck making bombs is illegal.

But you can stockpile guns, ammo and tacticool bulletproof gear until you go bankrupt and there's not a damn thing anyone can do.

crasspm - 2018-03-24

this is some unbelievable mental acrobatics. and god damn, dragging the victims (living victims anyway) so blatantly through the mud. five for evil

cognitivedissonance - 2018-03-25

Considering the NRA is just the grey money clearing house to distribute Russian money to the Republican Party, chaos and disinformation is their plan and will be until LaPierre is publicly castrated.

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