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Comment count is 11
Lef - 2018-03-04

Holy fuck, I'm a superhero!

Can i please have the cancer immunity? Keep the rest of the bag of tricks.. not needed.

Old_Zircon - 2018-03-04

Sorry to break the news to you, but according to Youtube you're more likely a reptilian, a vampire or the result of a eugenics program conducted by aliens.

Maggot Brain - 2018-03-04

So that's why my head phones keep breaking!

Redford - 2018-03-04

"I disable technology but this smartphone I am holding for 4 minutes creating this video and then uploading it to youtube works fine! MYSTERIOUS!"

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2018-03-04

"Of course, I held this camera in landscape mode, but you can't trap us in your sideways world! My selfie rises to the heavens!"

Maggot Brain - 2018-03-04

According to research The Basque People have the highest percentage Rh proteins. And what part of Europe has the worst cell phone coverage? The Aquitaine! AKA The ancient home land of the Basque People! Do the math people!

exy - 2018-03-04

I know I'm O but I can never remember if I'm + or -. At least now I have a way to tell.

betamaxed - 2018-03-04

"The genetic digital lottery..."

garcet71283 - 2018-03-04

I'm O-.

My superpower is being contacted by blood banks perpetually.

SolRo - 2018-03-04

Not much better for us AB people, except we have to sit much longer and can go more often!

Old_Zircon - 2018-03-04

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