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Comment count is 10
Old_Zircon - 2017-12-13

The other message delivered that night was even better. You know, the one where one of his war buddies defended his moral character by describing the time the two of them went to a brothel in Vietnam and Moore valiantly declined the services of the child prostitutes therein.

Killer Joe - 2018-01-07

In a twist sure to shock no one, the Jewish lawyer she was referring to is some flavor of Jews for Jesus.
Or, as everyone else on earth would describe them, a Christian.

infinite zest - 2017-12-13

Robert J Bentley's a quarter Jewish..

♫♫ not too shabby! ♫♫

Raggamuffin - 2017-12-13

"One of our attorneys is a Jew."

The populist message Real Americans can get behind.

Extra stars for the more reserved crowd reaction when she claims to also be friends with some "Jews" outside of hiring them for services.

Raggamuffin - 2017-12-13

Also, was this really a pressing issue? I don't remember hearing anything about these two and what they think about Jews and I'm wondering why she even brought it up.

Anaxagoras - 2017-12-13

"One of our friends is a Jew' isn't quite the knockdown argument she thinks it is.

My God. How did one of our political parties get so dumb???

15th - 2017-12-15

Overwhelming demand

Maggot Brain - 2017-12-13

Should of have had more Jews.

The Mothership - 2017-12-14

Love the shout out to the Jews in the back of the room.

chumbucket - 2017-12-14

So much paper for such little to say.

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